Who: Daisy & Ileana What: Coffee, Pastries, and being total girls. Where: Le Croquembouche When: Afternoon-ish before Esme left so Ileana isn't totally despondent yet. Warnings: High concentration of giggliness?
Ileana was having a Pretty Good Week.
The date went amazingly, an interview added on top of that for a job that looked promising, and there was not a single threatening letter in sight. If she could keep up these positive vibes, Ileana couldn't even begin to complain and now she had time to meet with Daisy again.
She promised that they would meet at Le Croquembouche after Daisy left work to talk. She stood outside the entrance to the cafe, looking around for Daisy and occasionally checking her phone screen for the time. Bouncing on her heels a little, Ileana suppressed a happy grin as she waited.