The temperature was brittle, but there was very little wind and that helped. The air was dry, and resonated as a cod hush that skated up her veins. The temperature had dropped since she'd originally walked here this evening, but it wasn't entirely unbearable. A few blocks wouldn't kill them.. or maybe she spoke too soon.
The hand on her mouth was a warm vice, catching the yell of surprise that clawed up her mouth, and muffling it altogether so that barely a sound broke free. No definable syllables, although it sounded like she was cursing. There was a struggle, but it was epically brief. When James fought, it was all erratic elbows and furious boot heels. The Italian man only had to bearhug her with one arm to diffuse her hysterical violence long enough to get her in the alley. She saw Ella then, even in the dark shadows cast by city bricks, and could tell she was scared. She tried to reassure her with her eyes, but knew it was too dark.. and probably useless, James didn't look her most reassuring at the moment. Fed up with her continued wrenching and wild throws of elbows, the man sent James into the wall with a shove.