Well, color her impressed. It was James' experience that not many women could catwalk the hardwood floors of a strip club with confidence -- unless they'd spent a repeated amount of time inside one. The jealous girlfriends, and the eager secretarial coworkers that just wanted to show they were one of they guys.. they always fell short of the mark. You could read the awkward tension in their spines and in the cold, discerning slits of their eyes. Those women moved with their arms crossed in front, shielding themselves, metaphorically warding off all nightlife creepers with limbed crucifixes. Hell, even some dancers had a problem with keeping their head up and their eyes from wandering to the floor in shallow self deprecation.
But Ella was something else, and when she stole that lime, James' eyebrows hitched into slim arches, compelled. She followed to the booth table, which was far enough from the stage to be damn near secluded from the main epicenter of the club.
Normally, James would have been apt to believe that if a girl insisted on sticking around here, it was because she wanted to prove something. That it didn't bother her, that she had a tougher skin than most, that she was ambivalent to nudity. But James didn't get that vibe from Ella, and she sat across from her with unguarded curiosity.