January 9th, 2010

[info]takingsides in [info]bellumletale

As suggested to me, I am asking for a team effort from the building at large to move large items from the first floor to the fifth, where I'm moving in. The elevator stoutly refuses to go any direction but down from the lobby, and since I don't have any intention of camping in the basement, here I am. The movers went home, but I will absolutely bribe any interested parties with beer, soda, pizza, and vegetarian lasagna.

Please let me know if you're interested in showing up, since I'll have a few friends from the department drop off my stuff in the lobby.

[info]ex_sepulchre370 in [info]bellumletale

[Private message sent to P3, with 701 CCed]

Dearest, what are we you going to do with him when they send him home? It has to be about time at this point.

You aren't going to drop the ball again, are you? Do you need me to pick it up for you?