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[08 Mar 2008|02:38pm]
Okay I'll do one of these and see how we go.

So this is Benny Rossi, the oldest son of the hotel manager/owner. He used to be a real brat, was into drugs, partying and drinking and didn't care who got hurt in the process. He is gay and while he's not flamming, he is open about it, he believes that he has nothing to be ashamed of. Recently he's started to calm down, he mature, calm and trying to make ammends for all the things he did when he was high or drunk. His Bio is up so you can take a quick look at that but I am open for any lines, I have his best female friend but obviously he would like a male best friend and some people he gets along with or doesn't get along with, someone who has a bit of a crush on him, everything and anything really.

Hope to be RPing with you all soon.
8 post

[08 Mar 2008|03:10pm]

Meet Heidi Rossi. She is the youngest & only daughter of the Rossi family. She is the younger of the twins by three minutes. She is 20 years old, and a student an unlv. She spends most of her time at the hotel, tanning, working at THe Bank, and just partying. She is daddys little girl. She is known for breaking the rules though. When ever her dad tells her not to do something, she turns around and does it anyway. She is a huge flirt, and is currently envolved in a fling with one of the bellboys. Her father is hugely against her dating the staff, so its a little bit of a secret. She is the kind of girl anyone can be friends with.

She needs some best friends, some exs, some enemies, and maybe someone with a crush on her!
2 post

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