Zodiacal: OOC's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Zodiacal: OOC

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[09 Dec 2012|05:40pm]

Hola, Cats & Kittens!

I bring you the embodiment of Pisces, Penny Neshamah Goldstein. She's a New Jersey native that's done quite a bit of bouncing around over the past decade and recently wound up in Toronto. She's a nanny/waitress/aspiring musician having a bit of a hard time bringing herself to get those divorce papers together. Essentially, she stranded herself in Toronto three months ago when she caught her husband/bandmate cheating on her.

Personalitywise, she can be kind of infuriating but also very endearing. She has a lot in common with the kids she watches, given her naivete/gullibility, rosy optimism, and boundless creativity. She also tends towards being crazy indecisive (she once broke down in a walmart while trying to pick folder covers, true story) and something of a follower. She's sweet as sugar and invests a lot more in making other people happy than she does in taking care of herself emotionally.

Per the stars, a Pisces would be compatible with a Taurus, a Cancer, a Scorpio, or a Capricorn. They're incompatible with just about every one else, save for a Virgo who they could go either way with. My guess is that the first four of the types of people who either have patience for her indecision/flakiness, are willing to be understanding about it, or just as happy to take the lead. Obviously, I want something with everyone. SO GIMME!

She has a pretty detailed background here, and her app is here. Feel free to bug us via the screened post or on aim at pennylaynesm



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