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Zodiacal: OOC

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/breaks in gently [08 Dec 2012|01:59pm]
Hallo all! My name is Mimi and I will be bringing Vincent the Gemini to this game.

He's a big social butterfly, likes cooking, and is currently working as a pharmacy tech while getting his degree to become a pharmacist. He's also a bit obsessed with Facebook, so he'll definitely be the type to add someone as a friend after one meeting haha. I'm looking forward to RPing with you all, and hit me up if you want/have any CR!
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[08 Dec 2012|08:57pm]
hey y'all!

i've got milo greene here, the lion. he's a charming, warm guy who usually has a big smile on his face and an even bigger, almost booming type of voice. he's a bit of a slut (in the best way possible), a bit of a patronizer (again, best way possible...if there is a best way possible) but he's also deeply romantic and loyal when he finds people he can trust. as for his profession, he's an actor in and around toronto though he's been offered work in NYC so he's really debating if he wants to leave the city he loves for a new adventure. your characters might've seen him on a cop drama, or now, on a medical drama. he's rurl friendly so don't be afraid to say hi to him! i'm really up for anything!

can't wait to play!

ps - i'm shane and the best way to reach me is through this journals ooc post!
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[ viewing | December 8th, 2012 ]
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