Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Still crazy after all these years - I mean still here!


Just little old me, the Julesmeister, saying I've been remiss but with reason - been caught up with a convention and writing and a whole bunch of edits, but I've never forgotten. I'm not leaving or quitting, and I fully intend to get caught up.

Hint: The person who pokes me will have a better chance of quicker attention lol Ask Carrie, she knows!

At any rate, I just wanted to say sorry, but the good news is that I finished a new book with my co-author SL Danielson, and we are getting it ready to sub to Silver. Our first collaboration, My Fair Vampire, which takes place in St. Louis, will be released October 8.

Have I got a character you'd like to play with? Don't hesitate to ask. Some haven't been played yet, such as Raylan, and Dexter. Someone new you'd like to see? Let me know and I might try!

Hope you all are doing well!

Take care!

♥ Jules
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Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Introducing Spike!

Yes... I did it again. I was nattering with Aly and mentioned that I would love to try out Spike, that I never played him before but that I would love to try it out. Before I knew what happened I found that I actually do own an inner-Spike.

So, I might mess up... but I am still going to try and play the Big Bad! :)

Click to meet Spike )

I know I promised Julie not to write a book about Spike... but I think I kind of did... Sorry... ;) I hope I made sense though.

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Pirate Plottage... non-pirates are invited too!

Arrrrrrrrr.... shiver me timbers......... swash swash buckle buckle.... and things like that... ;) I thought it would be good to start a OOC post for Pirates to plot and for non-pirates to be tempted to join in too (either as a pirate or with a character you already have)

This post is to throw around ideas... talk about what we want to try out. So, let me start!

I am Will Turner, he just married Elizabeth Swan, he died and he returned to safe the day! What will happen next? We know he has to ferry the death but we also can pull him out and into other places just because we want too. YAY for a PSL comm eh? Who to blame? Well, almost every culture has tons of gods and goddess we can blame for misplacing him and if all fails there are always Aliens.

Wanna play with Will? I'm game... just throw your ideas into this post and see what happens... MWHAHAHAHAHA!

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Friday, April 8th, 2011

Things Everyone at the Party Might Notice

1. After Ares the God of War arrives, he laughs at John being cheeky and the laugh echoes around the flat. This might just be considered part of the sound from the stereo, or not. As you wish -- whether or not you wish to use it in part of your own sub-threads.

2. Harry becomes very upset seeing his mum with Severus. Most likely only those nearest might hear or see this since it's not exactly a quiet party. Sorry, I had Jonesy in the thread and forgot about him. So he can talk to Harry maybe or Luna? Or both?


Does anyone have anything else which could be noticed party-wide?

EDIT: 9 April
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