Write Away - The People Behind the Madness' Journal
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Saturday, September 10th, 2011

    Time Event
    Hey Everyone! To new and old player!
    I'm so happy that everyone is coming back! I know I'm working on it too! College started up for me again so I'm still getting used to some things again and trying to find another job for the school year but anyway! I'm here and I always answer emails and my characters are:
    Sookie from Trueblood, Narcissa Black and Narcissa Malfoy from HP, Tonks from HP, and Debra Morgan from Dexter. There are a couple of characters I've had in mind to play for awhile so who knows I might be able to bring them in, too.

    My email is Movierainman22@gmail.com and i haven't been on AIM in a while, but I'll try and get better at that!


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