Write Away - The People Behind the Madness' Journal
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Thursday, September 8th, 2011

    Time Event
    Does anyone want to plot with Dimitri Belikov who is not part of his fandom?


    He is a half vampire/half human.
    He is a 25ish, Russian hunk.
    he kils evil vampires.
    He is Gaurd to the King of their fandom.
    he is romantically attached.
    And he takes his Job so seriously that he sacrafices a social life.

    If you'd liek to plot here is a good place to reply or you can email dammie_m2001@yahoo.com
    Hey all! Jeia here, just letting you know that I am back! YAY! As a reminder, I have for your playing pleasure:

    Rose Hathaway | Vampire Academy
    Stefan Salvatore (the heartbroken) | Vampire Diaries
    Dean Winchester | Supernatural
    Tonks | Harry Potter
    Hermione Granger | Harry Potter
    Eric Northman | True Blood
    Faramir | LotR
    Fred Weasley | Harry Potter
    Amethyst | OC college kid

    I am here to answer any questions or plot any scenes. The best way to reach me is via email for now - jeiadawg@yahoo.com. Looking forward to getting back into the groove.

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