Write Away - The People Behind the Madness' Journal
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Wednesday, April 13th, 2011

    Time Event
    Idea! I has one.
    I'm really loving the Beatles party thread. That and something from another RPG I'm in just gave me an idea. I know a lot of games do this: the mods give all the players a prompt every so often and let them play it out in whatever variation of the prompt they wish.

    Just to serve as an example, in the other game, the mod proposed an age regression plot. You can choose which of your characters you would like to regress, and to what age (or you can choose not to participate at all if you don't enjoy that particular plot). I play 20-year-old Remus Lupin, who regressed to the age of ten in body but still held on to his maturity. Other players can choose to have their characters regress in mind and body, which makes for some amusing threads.

    That's just an example and I know we could come up with our own cool prompt ideas. We're all pretty creative here. ;) It would be a good way to keep everyone's interest and keep the muses going, right? It'd give your characters some things to get into that they may not ordinarily be able to do on their own, and you can think of how they might react in the different scenarios. The situations can be silly, serious, sad, shocking, totally wacky, etc. We could really change it up!

    If the majority likes the idea & Jeia is cool with it, we should totally go for it. What do you think?

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