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Sunday, April 10th, 2011

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    A little bg on Miami's resident serial killer - aka Dexter Morgan
    For those of you who don't know him, let me give you a little heads up on Dexter Morgan.

    He lives in Miami, he loves to eat Cuban sandwiches, and he dislikes blood, although his profession is that of a blood spatter analyst for the Miami police department. He works with his foster sister Deb, who can be very vocal, very foulmouthed and very frank about airing her opinions on any subject, especially that of Dexter! Sometimes abrasive, yet they manage to stay close. Her father Harry Morgan was Dexter's foster father. There is a great deal Dexter doesn't know about his own past.

    Harry was a policeman and a very good man. He saw something in Dexter, something dark, and he knew he couldn't change it, so he decided to guide it. He set up the rules that Dexter live by, the code that governs the things he does. You see, Dexter is a serial killer, and Harry saw the need to kill inside of him. So he channeled it, so that Dexter only kills bad people. And he does it right, so that he doesn't get caught.

    Dexter is dating Rita, who is very appropriate for him - she is a divorced mother with two young children, Cody and Astor, whose ex has scarred her so much that she fears intimacy. That is perfect for Dexter, who does not feel the need to be all that close. He is the perfect gentleman with Rita and she appreciates him for it. The children love him and he is very good with them.

    Now, there is a little background for Dexter. Does anyone want to play with him? I've never played him before, so I don't know how I'll do, but I want to give him a shot.

    I'm also considering a couple of other characters - Raylan Givens, of Justified, and Cesare Borgia of The Borgias. Any thoughts on them?



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