Beginnings' Journal
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Tuesday, January 27th, 2009

    Time Event
    Challenge #6 - It was Poetic Justice
    Challenge # 6: It was poetic justice.
    Maximum word count: 500 words
    Next challenge: February 3rd, 2009

    Posting rules:

    - Title of your piece
    - Submitted by (if you're posting from a fic journal, for instance, instead of your personal journal)
    - Submitted for which challenge
    - Notes (in which you tell us anything we need to know.) Remember however, that even if your piece contains characters you work with regularly, your submission for this community must be able to stand alone.
    - Rating: PG (all audiences, nothing offensive here), R (adult content), XXX (graphic sex, pwp, S&M, hardcore stuff). Please tell us why you rated it as you did so people can make informed choices about whether they’d like to read it (ie. violence, bad language, sex, purple elephants, etc). The reason is really more important than the rating itself, as I want to keep this a reader-friendly community.
    - Let us know if (and where) we can read more of your work, related or otherwise.

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