Beginnings' Journal
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Thursday, December 6th, 2007

    Time Event
    Challenge #3
    First a question. As we haven't had many posts each week, I am thinking of starting a few contest ideas. Whether they are implemented or not will be up to you. I would like to have a weekly contest, a monthly contest and a quarterly contest. I am not sure as to what the contest will be so that is where you all come in. Give me some ideas of what you would like the contests to be. Best use of the challenge, shortest fic, exactly 500 words, etc. I do know that one of the quarterly contests would be for the person who has completed the most challenges.

    I am also thinking of adding a 1000 word maximum monthly challenge.

    Drop me a line in the comments and let me know what you think. Even if you haven't yet had a chance to participate in a challenge, let me know if you have any ideas.

    Now, onto the challenge.

    There have been no entries for the last challenge so I'm going to extend that one another week and I'll also put up a new one. This means that you can do either #2 or #3 or both.

    This week's challenge:

    "I been there before."

    Because this line is taken from a classic and is not in modern English, liberty may be taken to make it grammatically correct. Examples: "I have been there before", "I was there before", etc.

    This is a last line to a classic novel. Bonus cookie for anyone who knows the book and author.

    Challenge #3 due by December 12th
    Challenge #4 will be posted on December 13th.

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