January 1st, 2016



ADDS 1/1

Emma Swan | [info]loveisstrength | Once Upon a Time | Allie
Laurel Lance | [info]iamblackcanary | Arrow | Allie
Daisy Johnson | [info]agentquake | MCU | Allie

All of these characters will need 50 points, 1 log, & 2 OOF to pass January activity.

We have one new player joining us today, so everyone please welcome Allie!

Please use this post to introduce your new characters. Also, please check out the plotting post and start making plans!

Welcome to Beacon Hills! Waaaaarooooooooo!!!



[No Subject]

AS OF THIS POST, [info]lightthebeacon IS OFFICIALLY OPEN!

Feel free back-date the arrival of the characters already accepted to the 30th of December.

There will be more information forthcoming regarding the in character calendar, but the portal opened on October 30, 2011. It is currently November 1, 2011 in game.



ADDS 1/1

Allison Argent | [info]imfailingecon | Teen Wolf |Trish

Peter Hale | [info]satan_in_avneck | Teen Wolf | Trish

Rogue | [info]risky_touch | X-Men | Trin
Karrin Murphy | [info]short_and_armed | Dresden Files | Krista
Rose Hathaway | [info]badassguardian | Vampire Academy/Bloodlines | Allie

Allison Argent needs 150 points, 1 log, & 2 OOF to pass January activity.

Peter Hale needs 100 points, 1 log, & 2 OOF to pass January activity.

Rogue, Karrin Murphy, & Rose Hathaway need 50 points, 1 log, & 2 OOF to pass January activity.

Please use this post to introduce your new characters and check out the plotting post!

Also, we have three new players joining us, so everyone please welcome Trish, Krista, and Trin!

Welcome to Beacon Hills! Waaaaarooooooooo!!!