Monday, May 9th, 2011

Fic: Mine Is The Heart I Will Save


Original poster: cyranothe2nd

Title: Mine Is The Heart I Will Save
Author: [info]cyranothe2nd 
Prompt: Calling card(s) [info]knightvsanarchy Round 18
Word Count: 7024
Beta: [info]1bad_joke
Rating: PG-13 for Foe Yay (slash between enemies) and naughty language
Warnings: Batman/Joker, sex, violence, language, angsty!Bats, drunk!Bats, gentle!Joker
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and other entities and corporations. No money is being made and no copyright and/or trademark infringement is intended.

Summary: "You know there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for ya, Bats. I’d give it all up if you’d just bend a little.”

P.S. Mods, can I get an author tag? 

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Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Fic: Heartbeat Ch. 2/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Chapter 2: Toothache
Word Count: 4,436
Pairing: Vamp!Bruce/Vamp!Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, only this blood-ridden AU filled with vampire hickey-sex.
Rating: NC-17 this chap.  And the next, most likely.
Warnings: violence, blood, bloodplay, somewhat dubcon, graphic fang!sex
Fic Summary: Bruce was bitten when he was eight years old, and has sworn to destroy all others of his kind that ravage the mortals of his city - even the most sadistic and unstoppable of them all.

A/N: I know what you're thinking: how can vampires realistically have sex?  They have no blood pumping through their systems, how can male vamps get aroused?  Never fear, here's where all your questions get answered about everything you ever wanted to know (and then some) about my original take on vampiric sex.  Assisting me in this vamp!sex-ed fic are the one and only Batman and Joker.  Because they're HOT getting it on together no matter WHAT immortal creature they happen to be stuck as.

Toothache )

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Sunday, January 9th, 2011


Original poster: zombieboyband

So I'd been posting this over at [info]funhouseofevil, but the last part here is entirely not on Earth-3 and is, instead, Batman and Joker, so I'm putting this here. It is the wrap up to 10k+ words, but it works pretty okay as a stand alone given, say, a sentence of background:

"Batman ends up dimension hopping to Earth-3, pissing off Owlman, and when he gets back home, the only person who has to talk to is the Joker."


Title: Blink
Author: [info]zombieboyband
Fandom: Batman, Earth 3
Overall Summary: Bruce blurts out an incredulous laugh when he sees Owlman. Owlman really, really doesn't like people laughing at him; nor does he like someone else wearing his face. Owlman draws an owlarang and prepares to slice. "Who's laughing now?"
Summary for this part: "What did he do to you?" the Joker asked, into the resulting quiet, pushing himself onto his knees, squinting across the shadows, "Don't look like that--I hate it when you look like that and the reason isn't me."
Pairing: Owlman/Batman, mentions of Owlman/Jokester, Jokester/Batman...and NOW, very much so Batman/Joker. Yep.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: For this, dub con, some knifeplay, therapist!Joker, some violence.
Wordcount: 6, 213
Disclaimer: Not mine, not sad.

links! and more summary? sure.

Part 1: Wayne Enterprises gets some interesting tech
Part 2: Bat vs Owl
Part 3: warning - non con
Part 4: enter Jokester

( Is it rule one achey-breaky time? )

ETA: link is now a fake cut, like it's supposed to be. :) Whoops.


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Friday, January 1st, 2010

Team Knight- Round 4-Fic 'Many Happy Returns'


Original poster: newbluemoon

 Title: Many Happy Returns
Author: newbluemoon
Prompt: Birthday
Rating: Hard R
Disclaimer:  Not mine. Nu-uh.
Summary: Bruce returns home on his birthday after a strange night and finds a large parcel waiting for him. What could be inside? ;D
Warnings: Slash, dubcon, references to oral sex.
Word Count: 5019

Author's Notes: This was exceedingly rushed and I didn’t finish it properly, but I thought I better get it out there for the challenge. But hey, at least there’s no fluff this time. XD Unbeta’d again. Sorry. D:

Happy Birthday Dear Brucey... )
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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Fic: 'Interlude: Mother of Pearl', Owlman/femme!Jokester, NC-17


Original poster: ladyk_d_azrael

Just gonna leave this here in case anyone's interested...

Title: Interlude: Mother of Pearl

Pairing/characters: femme!Jokester/Owlman (Bruce Wayne), Poison Ivy

Rating: NC-17

Summary: My version of the DC universe's Earth 3. Owlman (evil crime lord Bruce Wayne) and the Jokester (good vigilante Joker). “Owlsie-pie, you and your one-track mind – this isn’t an arch-nemesis thing, it’s a kink thing...”

Warnings: Het, D/S (fem!dom), bondage, dub-con, spanking, mummy!kink, toys.

A/N: Technically comes after the events of For Great Justice! I just needed a pr0n fix. I won’t write my stories in order, I won’t *stamps foot*. As ever, if anyone wants to know more about the (DC canon!) alternate universes of moral inversion (Earth 3 and anti-matter Earth), consult scans and other material at [info]funhouseofevil.

Other fics in the series:

Interlude: The In-Laws
For Great Justice! (part 1)
Part 2
Part 3

Clicky for non-worksafe ficcy!

X-posted to [info]funhouseofevil [info]batfic
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Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

Fanfic: Shopping


Original poster: rdallyn

Title: Shopping (one-shot)
Author: Rdallyn
Fandom: Nolanverse
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Word count: 2,550
Disclaimer: The Dark Knight belongs to Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. Batman belongs to Bob Kane.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Dub-con in the beginning. ;)
Beta Acknowledgment: [info]goodfrostedcats.
Prompt: In a grocery store
Summary: An unexpected meeting at the store...

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Saturday, December 26th, 2009

Secret Santa 2009 - Fic Prompt 5 - Title: A Little Anarchy


Original poster: theawfuldodger

Merry Christmas everyone! I wanted to post this yesterday, but Christmas is 2 days here in Holland, so well, I guess this can still count as a Christmas present!

Title: A Little Anarchy
Author/Artist: TheAwfulDodger
Prompt: Fic-prompt #5: Harvey/Nurse!Joker, only Joker is thinking about Batman. They do it in the back of a car. Bottom!Joker. Any rating.
Rating: NC-17?
Wordcount: 3967
Summary: What if Joker didn’t escape the hospital’s grounds in that schoolbus? And how -did- Harvey Dent get out ?
Disclaimer: Not mine, sadly so… (I do have a lur-ver-ly Nurse!Joker costume though… *wink wink nudge nudge*)
Warnings: Dub-con, violence, implied Harvey/Rachel, voyeurism(?), slight gunporn, very slight possible-squick
Author’s notes: Wow, this story ran away with me once I was on a roll! Hope you like it, Prompter! ;) I’m not a native speaker, so some sentences and punctuation may be a little bit off. It’s also unbeta’ed, because I really wanted to post this in the Christmas-weekend. It’s a Christmasgift after all… ;)

He would not kiss that scarred mouth with it’s yellowed teeth for a million dollars, but it would sure look nice stretched around his cock…  )

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Monday, December 7th, 2009

Slipping Into Entropy - Complete


Original poster: razothredfire

Title: Slipping Into Entropy
Authors: [info]razothredfire and [info]loony_lucifer
Rating: Mature

Slipping into Entropy is now complete, with a total of 56 chapters.

The PDF book of all chapters and corresponding art is available here.

Chapters, art, and other short stories, as well as question and answer sessions with the authors, may be read here:

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Thursday, August 20th, 2009



Original poster: ieatpeopleok

Title: Utter
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Comic-verse. Sex "pollen." Instant plot device. The title is weird. But it has like a double meaning or something. To be honest, it's also kind of inspired by B:TAS, which made me feel creepy, because for some reason the notion of cartoons having intercourse is strange to me.

Also, I wrote this as an apology for being gone so long.

Click hurr

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Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

FIC: In the Dark Room (Nolanised Earth-3, R, femme!Owlman/femme!Jokester)


Original poster: overlithe

Title: In the Dark Room
Author: [info]overlithe
Fandom: DCU’s Earth-3/Nolanverse/Batverse
Summary: Genderswitch AU set in a Nolanised version of DCU’s Earth-3. ‘You took something of mine, and I am going to get her back. But the longer you take to break, the more I’m going to… enjoy it.’ Femme!Owlman/Femme!Jokester.
Characters/Pairings: B. Wayne/Owlwoman (=genderswitched Earth-3!Batman), Jackie/the Jokester (=genderswitched Earth-3!Joker), Talon (=Earth-3!Robin); Pairing: Femme!Owlman/Femme!Jokester.
Prompt: [info]fanfic100 and [info]au100 Prompt 22. Enemies
Word Count: 3,259
Rating: Mild R
Warnings: The goddamned Owlwoman, knives, blood, dub-con, Owlwoman doesn’t need your stupid safewords
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warners Bros and several others corporations and persons. I don’t own anything and suing me will net you a whopping 76 pence.
Author’s Notes: Genderswitch fic set on a Nolanised Earth-3. For those not familiar with this universe, Earth-3 is a wonderful place in the DC Multiverse in which Owlman (=Batman) is the evil sociopathic criminal and Jokester (=the Joker) is the costumed vigilante. Intrigued? Go here for a summary of characters/plotlines and here and here for a selections of scans with commentary, or check out the Earth-3 comm, [info]funhouseofevil. Inevitably, someone had to write femme!Owlman and femme!Jokester. That someone is obviously me. This is set after the second Talon and Owlgirl join the, er, family, but before femme!Jokester hooks up with whatever version of the Riddler Family exists in her universe. I’ve also made femme!Jokester’s backstory a little different than that of her male counterpart (other than the obvious, that is); and by ‘different’, I mean… oh, you’ll see.

(In the Dark Room)
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Monday, May 4th, 2009



Original poster: mirandafox

Title: Reflections.
Disclaimer: All characters featured are the intellectual property of D.C. Comics and Time Warner. No infringement is intended with their usage.
Universe: Nolanverse.
Summary: Bruce wants to know what the Joker really fears.
Word Count: 2,491.
Rating: NC-17.
Pairing: Batman/Joker.

The Joker had been surprised, but pleased nonetheless, when Batman had actually suggested a little off-duty meeting. It had always been he - the Joker - who initiated everything. Even before their relationship had taken a rather odd, but certainly not unpleasant, turn.

Read more... )

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Monday, April 20th, 2009

Sequel to The Bats Nightly Visit and Community Pimp


Original poster: hogwartsvixxxen

Okay so those of you who have been following my drabbles know that [info]suvi83 wanted a Batman/Joker asphyxiation drabble which turned into more than a drabble and had to be sent off to my wonderful talented Beta [info]mayphoenix

So I give to you now satisfy your pleasures Part 2 of The Bat's Nightly Visit which can be found here
Also written for [info]awdt Valentine's Day Quickies

In a related note, come May I'm thinking of starting a drabble 100-250 word commuinty for Batman/Joker. Would anyone be interested?

Author: [info]hogwartsvixxxen aka [info]harrysexmagick
Title: Strangers in the Narrows
Characters: Batman/Joker
Summary: The Joker escapes form Arkham Asylum, Batman finds himself in the Narrows. Two strangers in the night; two strangers in the Narrows
Prompt: awdt Valentine's Day Quickie # 9 Strangers in the Night Sequel to awdt Valentine's Day Quickie # 3 Secret Admirer The Bat’s Nightly Visit
Word Count: 764
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: pwp, knife play, blood play, m/m, anal sex, wall sex
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Batman/The Dark Knight universe. All recognizable characters and settings are the property of many people and DC Comics. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work
A/N: I'm still trying to get back in the swing of things where my writing is concerned since my father's death this past November. Please be gentle. This is also written for [info]jean_c_pepper who gave me delicious fluffy porn to read after my father's death when I couldn't read Harry Potter. Many thanks and hugs to my talented Beta [info]mayphoenix who makes my Joker come alive
Beta: The wonderful sexy [info]mayphoenix
Stranger's in the Narrows )

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Oneshot: Even a Volcano Has a Price to Pay


Original poster: judas_denied

Author: [info]judas_denied
Title: Even a Volcano Has a Price to Pay
Fandom: The Dark Knight
Pairing: Joker/Batman
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Get your head 'round that one. It means that it is my job to tell you the true story of what never happened. Perhaps that's a definition of fiction.
Warnings: Angst, blood fetish, blood play, D/s (undertones), drug usage/slight abuse, dub-con, knifeplay, Pavlovian conditioning, S&M, Stockholm Syndrome
Word Count: 9,712
Author's Notes: This is my first fic in TDK fandom and um... I didn't keep it strictly canon, which just adds to my nervousness like whoa. I did try, but it didn't work for the story itself and the story comes before the canon in my opinion. Basically: I kinda broke my toys and prefer them that way. They're pretty. Please see the main post at my writing journal for full notes.

Link/Summary: The drug burns as it enters his bloodstream. It’s a hundred thousand parasitic wasp larvae chewing their way out of the birth canal of his veins. He grits his teeth and closes his eyes against the all-consuming agony of it as it scorches its way through his system, trying to push down the urge to scream.

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Sunday, April 19th, 2009


Original poster: kayoshybrid

Been working on this doodle on and off on a paintchat site. Got sick of editting it ~

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Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 4 - The Brimstone Wedding pt 2a (fic)


Original poster: overlithe

Title: The Brimstone Wedding (Chapter 2a)
Author: overlithe
Fandoms: Nolanverse x DCU’s Earth-3 crossover
Summary: Crossover between the Nolanverse and a Nolanised version of DCU’s Earth-3 AU. After Jokester and Owlman find themselves in the Nolanverse Gotham, the Joker teams up with Batman’s evil counterpart and the duo ponder life, death, sex, violence, their nemeses, each other, and their alter egos. Written for Team Anarchy for Round 4 (Role reversal) the [info]batmanjoker Knight vs Anarchy Team Challenge and for prompt #052 (Fire) of the [info]fanfic100 challenge.
Charaters/Pairings: the Joker, Owlman/Bruce Wayne (=Earth-3!Batman); Joker/Owlman, references to Batman/Joker, Jokester/Owlman and Jokester/Riddler/Three Face
Prompt: [info]batmanjoker Team Challenge Prompt 4: Role reversal; [info]fanfic100 prompt 052. Fire
Word count: 1,062
Rating: NC-17
Warnings (for this and subsequent chapters): My goodness, it’s a fic about two sociopaths jockeying for dominance; explicit sex, violence, explicit sex and violence, dub-con, sadism, masochism, bondage, D/s without safewords, boundaries or sanity, blood, darkness and pretty much everything but the kitchen sink and bodily waste. Nothing that’s truly non-con, though. Also, in this chapter, Owlman describes a Nolanised version of this scene from the comics (second panel from the bottom), so there’s extensive references to characters’ deaths. Sorry, folks.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and a zillion other companies and people. Believe me, if I were one of those people, there would be tons of comics and movie canon set on Earth-3 (not to mention Batman meeting the Jokester so the latter could break the former’s brain). I'm not making any money and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The title comes from the Ruth Rendell novel of the same name, but as far as I know there are no similarities between the two works. I just thought the title was very appropriate.
Author’s Notes: This follows right on the heels of chapter 1, so you may want to re-read that to refresh your memory. For those not familiar with Earth-3 canon, at some point in the comics, Jokester meets the Riddler Family, comprised of his long-lost ex, Evelyn Dent, now known as Three Face, his and Eve’s teenaged daughter, Duela Dent, and Eve’s squeeze/partner, Edward, aka the Riddler. He then promptly becomes the newest addition to the Riddler Family and they all have many happy crime-fighting hours together. Then, this being Earth-3, it all goes tits-up thanks to Owlman and his friends (see the scanned page linked in the Warnings section above). The idea of Jokester, Riddler and Three Face as a poly triad (pentagon?) is neither confirmed nor denied by the canon; I just like the concept.

This is the first half of chapter 2. I just wanted to get it in before the challenge’s deadline. The second half of the chapter should be up by noon (GMT) tomorrow and yes, it will more than merit its NC-17 rating. :) Speaking of which, you are all invited to contribute prompts to my little Riddler Family kink meme if you’d like!

Again, this is unbeta-ed due to time constraints, but I’ve edited it to the best of my ability. I hope you all like it!

ii. Through a Glass Darkly - Part I )

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Friday, February 27th, 2009

Team Knight-Round 3-Fic: Bound


Original poster: heatherhouse

Title: Bound
Author: [info]heatherhouse
Prompt: Bad Luck
Word Count: 2,840
Disclaimer: I do not own Batman or Joker, or this may have happened on my watch.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Light bondage, dub-con, sex
Summary: PWP about bad luck. Not much plot involved. XD
A/N: Okay, this idea has been swimming in my head for three months now, yes, three months! I finally wrote it for this prompt but be aware that it was written down finally at three in the morning. So any typos are going to be blamed on that and I promise to fix them when I'm more awake. Have fun with the porn! And thanks to [info]something_grand for staying up with me to read it. XD

A little bondage anyone?

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Sunday, February 8th, 2009

FIC: 'Placeholder', NC-17


Original poster: ladyk_d_azrael

Title: Placeholder

Pairing: Owlman(Bruce Wayne)/Jokester (and others)

Rating: NC-17.

Wordcount: 3,200

Summary: ‘Now Owlsie, I don’t believe that you really, uh, counted to a hundred his time.’ A two-player game on the streets of Earth 3 Gotham.

Warnings: Uncensored clown porn. PWP, dub-con and hints of BDSM. Because Owlsie is not a nice man.

A/N and backgroundy waffle: Hai gais. As you may know by now Earth 3 is a place within the DC multiverse where reside the moral opposites of our more familiar friends on New Earth. Bruce Wayne is an evil crime lord known as Owlman, the Joker is a comedian turned do-gooding vigilante called the JokeSTER.

Much like their inverse counterparts Batsy and Joker, Owlsie and Jokester are locked in a mutually obsessive battle with SRS SEXIE UNDERTONES.

Intrigued? Check out [info]overlithe’s Earth 3 metapost (w/ ficcage, scanlations, discussions): here 

Oh, and clicky on my fake-cut below!

Read more... )

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Monday, February 2nd, 2009

Team Knight-Round 2-Fic: Wibbely Wobbely Timey Wimey


Original poster: heatherhouse

Title: Wibbely Wobbely Timey Wimey (1/?)
Author: [info]heatherhouse
Prompt: Crossovers Batman/Doctor Who (tenth)
Word Count: 2,733
Disclaimer: I do not own the Joker, Batman, The Doctor or the TARDIS. But shit, could I do some damage if I did! XD
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Naughtiness and general fucking with time and space for the Joker's amusement.
Summary: What do you not give the Joker when he's in a mischievous mood? The Doctor knows.

Here We Go

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Monday, January 26th, 2009


Original poster: platypusbang

Hi everybody!

I'm usually a lurker here, but today I bring you fanart!

Warnings: Blood. But this is a Bats/Joker community so that's a given.

Okay so not technically Batman/Joker but Owlman/Jokester

Yeah, I'm one of  those people. You know, the ones that keep talking about a so-called Earth-3 in which everything is reversed?

(If posting the DevArt link is not allowed,  tell me and I'll change it :D)

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Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Against the Skyline


Original poster: akaiba

Title: Against the Skyline
Pairing: BatmanXJoker, actually... JokerXBruce (in that order)
Warning: NC-17, Not Work Safe, kinda PWP but I tried to work some plot in there. Characters are a little OOC... I just tried out a little idea. Kinda a bit of non-con as well but Bruce ends up wanting it and Joker's nothing but a gentleman *gigglesnort*
Summary: Coming home to find the cat is out of the bag so to speak, Bruce can only do as the clown prince of Gotham says or risk losing everything. But, once its all over, has he lost everything anyway?

Hope you like it


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