Sunday, March 27th, 2011

Why so serious? (Joker, pg-13ish)


Original poster: thedeathchamber

 My Batman&Joker obsession, it comes and goes and comes again, and again and again. 

'Tis bloody. 

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Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Fic: Heartbeat Ch. 2/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Chapter 2: Toothache
Word Count: 4,436
Pairing: Vamp!Bruce/Vamp!Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, only this blood-ridden AU filled with vampire hickey-sex.
Rating: NC-17 this chap.  And the next, most likely.
Warnings: violence, blood, bloodplay, somewhat dubcon, graphic fang!sex
Fic Summary: Bruce was bitten when he was eight years old, and has sworn to destroy all others of his kind that ravage the mortals of his city - even the most sadistic and unstoppable of them all.

A/N: I know what you're thinking: how can vampires realistically have sex?  They have no blood pumping through their systems, how can male vamps get aroused?  Never fear, here's where all your questions get answered about everything you ever wanted to know (and then some) about my original take on vampiric sex.  Assisting me in this vamp!sex-ed fic are the one and only Batman and Joker.  Because they're HOT getting it on together no matter WHAT immortal creature they happen to be stuck as.

Toothache )

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Fic: Worship


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: Worship
Word Count: 2,725
Pairings: Joker/Batman pre-slash, currently Joker/Harley
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK, DC, or its characters, I only allow them to release their pent-up sexual and spiritual frustrations about their other halves in twisted, masochistic fashions.
Rating: R
Warnings: bloodplay, masturbation, religious fanaticism - Joker style
Summary: This was worship.  This was the religion of Gotham, carried out by its one most fanatical follower.

Worship )

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Fic: Lessons


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: Lessons
Word Count: 4,928
Pairings: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, or else this scene would've played after the credits rolled.  I wish.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic sex (oral, handjobs), PWP, knifeplay, some language
Summary: Joker's thoughts directed at Batman as they get it on one night.
A/N: Finally, some actual porn!!  :D  Some time last year after Spring Break, I was sick and was technically supposed to be writing an English paper...but this came out instead.  Idk how it happened, I swear, my fingers have a perverted mind of their own sometimes ;D  But y'know what really makes me sad?  I'm not gonna be eighteen for another seven months, so if I didn't write this I wouldn't be able to read it.  :(  It's annoying I can't read as much porn on here as I'd like.  *sigh*

Lessons )

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Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

Disorder, chaos, anarchy: now that's fun!


Original poster: thedeathchamber

Title: In fucking Heaven
Rating: PG-13 ish, but probably NSFW (blood, insinuations)

Disorder, chaos, anarchy: now that's fun! )

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Friday, March 19th, 2010

Fic: To be edgeless again, NC-17


Original poster: messageredacted

Title: To be edgeless again
Author: [info]messageredacted
Summary: Batman is a vigilante who pursues justice and never kills. Bruce Wayne is a serial killer who has his own means of handing out justice. And the Joker is his newest victim…
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Prompt: "I won't kill you because you're just too much fun."--the Joker to Batman in TDK
Team: Knight
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Extreme violence, sexual situations
Word count: 10,010
Disclaimer: This story is based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
A/N: This story is not related to American Psycho, although I thought Christian Bale made a very entertaining serial killer in that one. This is a story about a serial killer. I probably don't need to warn you that there is disturbing content inside, but I will: this story contains disturbing imagery. This includes some violent sex, although not rape. There is extreme violence in this story. You have been warned.

(The corpse is split down the center like an autopsy)

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Monday, December 7th, 2009

Slipping Into Entropy - Complete


Original poster: razothredfire

Title: Slipping Into Entropy
Authors: [info]razothredfire and [info]loony_lucifer
Rating: Mature

Slipping into Entropy is now complete, with a total of 56 chapters.

The PDF book of all chapters and corresponding art is available here.

Chapters, art, and other short stories, as well as question and answer sessions with the authors, may be read here:

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Saturday, September 12th, 2009

Fandoodle: Broken Joker - NSFW


Original poster: loony_lucifer

Based on [info]mukanshin's dream of horror, murder, and Bats' psychoses.

WARNING: Before you click, know that it's fairly gory. Blood, and not much guts, but just...pieces lie ahead. Joker's been killed, quartered, and then strung back together. It's probably not as gross as it could be, but if this just isn't your thing, you may want to pass this one by.

NC-17, NSFW, necrophilia

(Since the death of my photobucket account, i've moved everything Batman to a gallery HERE. Should the images in this post ever not show up again, try checking this gallery.)

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Monday, April 20th, 2009

Sequel to The Bats Nightly Visit and Community Pimp


Original poster: hogwartsvixxxen

Okay so those of you who have been following my drabbles know that [info]suvi83 wanted a Batman/Joker asphyxiation drabble which turned into more than a drabble and had to be sent off to my wonderful talented Beta [info]mayphoenix

So I give to you now satisfy your pleasures Part 2 of The Bat's Nightly Visit which can be found here
Also written for [info]awdt Valentine's Day Quickies

In a related note, come May I'm thinking of starting a drabble 100-250 word commuinty for Batman/Joker. Would anyone be interested?

Author: [info]hogwartsvixxxen aka [info]harrysexmagick
Title: Strangers in the Narrows
Characters: Batman/Joker
Summary: The Joker escapes form Arkham Asylum, Batman finds himself in the Narrows. Two strangers in the night; two strangers in the Narrows
Prompt: awdt Valentine's Day Quickie # 9 Strangers in the Night Sequel to awdt Valentine's Day Quickie # 3 Secret Admirer The Bat’s Nightly Visit
Word Count: 764
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: pwp, knife play, blood play, m/m, anal sex, wall sex
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction set in the Batman/The Dark Knight universe. All recognizable characters and settings are the property of many people and DC Comics. No copyright infringement is intended. No profit is made from this work. Please observe your local laws with regards to the age-limit and content of this work
A/N: I'm still trying to get back in the swing of things where my writing is concerned since my father's death this past November. Please be gentle. This is also written for [info]jean_c_pepper who gave me delicious fluffy porn to read after my father's death when I couldn't read Harry Potter. Many thanks and hugs to my talented Beta [info]mayphoenix who makes my Joker come alive
Beta: The wonderful sexy [info]mayphoenix
Stranger's in the Narrows )

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Oneshot: Even a Volcano Has a Price to Pay


Original poster: judas_denied

Author: [info]judas_denied
Title: Even a Volcano Has a Price to Pay
Fandom: The Dark Knight
Pairing: Joker/Batman
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Get your head 'round that one. It means that it is my job to tell you the true story of what never happened. Perhaps that's a definition of fiction.
Warnings: Angst, blood fetish, blood play, D/s (undertones), drug usage/slight abuse, dub-con, knifeplay, Pavlovian conditioning, S&M, Stockholm Syndrome
Word Count: 9,712
Author's Notes: This is my first fic in TDK fandom and um... I didn't keep it strictly canon, which just adds to my nervousness like whoa. I did try, but it didn't work for the story itself and the story comes before the canon in my opinion. Basically: I kinda broke my toys and prefer them that way. They're pretty. Please see the main post at my writing journal for full notes.

Link/Summary: The drug burns as it enters his bloodstream. It’s a hundred thousand parasitic wasp larvae chewing their way out of the birth canal of his veins. He grits his teeth and closes his eyes against the all-consuming agony of it as it scorches its way through his system, trying to push down the urge to scream.

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Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 4 - The Brimstone Wedding pt 2a (fic)


Original poster: overlithe

Title: The Brimstone Wedding (Chapter 2a)
Author: overlithe
Fandoms: Nolanverse x DCU’s Earth-3 crossover
Summary: Crossover between the Nolanverse and a Nolanised version of DCU’s Earth-3 AU. After Jokester and Owlman find themselves in the Nolanverse Gotham, the Joker teams up with Batman’s evil counterpart and the duo ponder life, death, sex, violence, their nemeses, each other, and their alter egos. Written for Team Anarchy for Round 4 (Role reversal) the [info]batmanjoker Knight vs Anarchy Team Challenge and for prompt #052 (Fire) of the [info]fanfic100 challenge.
Charaters/Pairings: the Joker, Owlman/Bruce Wayne (=Earth-3!Batman); Joker/Owlman, references to Batman/Joker, Jokester/Owlman and Jokester/Riddler/Three Face
Prompt: [info]batmanjoker Team Challenge Prompt 4: Role reversal; [info]fanfic100 prompt 052. Fire
Word count: 1,062
Rating: NC-17
Warnings (for this and subsequent chapters): My goodness, it’s a fic about two sociopaths jockeying for dominance; explicit sex, violence, explicit sex and violence, dub-con, sadism, masochism, bondage, D/s without safewords, boundaries or sanity, blood, darkness and pretty much everything but the kitchen sink and bodily waste. Nothing that’s truly non-con, though. Also, in this chapter, Owlman describes a Nolanised version of this scene from the comics (second panel from the bottom), so there’s extensive references to characters’ deaths. Sorry, folks.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and a zillion other companies and people. Believe me, if I were one of those people, there would be tons of comics and movie canon set on Earth-3 (not to mention Batman meeting the Jokester so the latter could break the former’s brain). I'm not making any money and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The title comes from the Ruth Rendell novel of the same name, but as far as I know there are no similarities between the two works. I just thought the title was very appropriate.
Author’s Notes: This follows right on the heels of chapter 1, so you may want to re-read that to refresh your memory. For those not familiar with Earth-3 canon, at some point in the comics, Jokester meets the Riddler Family, comprised of his long-lost ex, Evelyn Dent, now known as Three Face, his and Eve’s teenaged daughter, Duela Dent, and Eve’s squeeze/partner, Edward, aka the Riddler. He then promptly becomes the newest addition to the Riddler Family and they all have many happy crime-fighting hours together. Then, this being Earth-3, it all goes tits-up thanks to Owlman and his friends (see the scanned page linked in the Warnings section above). The idea of Jokester, Riddler and Three Face as a poly triad (pentagon?) is neither confirmed nor denied by the canon; I just like the concept.

This is the first half of chapter 2. I just wanted to get it in before the challenge’s deadline. The second half of the chapter should be up by noon (GMT) tomorrow and yes, it will more than merit its NC-17 rating. :) Speaking of which, you are all invited to contribute prompts to my little Riddler Family kink meme if you’d like!

Again, this is unbeta-ed due to time constraints, but I’ve edited it to the best of my ability. I hope you all like it!

ii. Through a Glass Darkly - Part I )

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Monday, January 26th, 2009


Original poster: platypusbang

Hi everybody!

I'm usually a lurker here, but today I bring you fanart!

Warnings: Blood. But this is a Bats/Joker community so that's a given.

Okay so not technically Batman/Joker but Owlman/Jokester

Yeah, I'm one of  those people. You know, the ones that keep talking about a so-called Earth-3 in which everything is reversed?

(If posting the DevArt link is not allowed,  tell me and I'll change it :D)

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Friday, January 9th, 2009

Secret Santa Fic - Prompt 62 - Blood Meridian (3/3)


Original poster: overlithe

Title: Blood Meridian
Author: [info]overlithe
Fandom: The Dark Knight/Nolanverse/DCU’s Earth-3
Summary: AU based on the comics’ Earth-3 reality. In another Gotham, a clown-suited, greasepaint-covered agent of chaos is the nemesis of Bruce Wayne, crime boss of all crime bosses—and tonight, they’re both ready to make their enemy take his last bow. Twisted Batman/Joker (even more twisted than in the regular universe, if you can believe it).
Characters/Pairings: the Jokester (Joker), Owlman (Batman/Bruce Wayne), Rachel Dawes, Jim Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Thomas Wayne, minor OCs; Jokester(Joker)/Owlman(Batman), slight references to other pairings
Rating: R
Warnings (for this chapter): Violence, sexual content, sadomasochism, knives, blood, adult themes, dub-con. Let’s just say that Bruce Wayne embraces all aspects of his sadism in this chapter. More sensitive readers are advised to—oh, who am I fooling, you’re all pervs.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and a million other companies and people, none of which are me. I use because I love! I’m not making any money from this and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The title comes from the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name. Several lines in the story are lifted verbatim or nearly verbatim from The Dark Knight.
Author's Note: Written for [info]dmwmd for the [info]batmanjoker Secret Santa fic prompt number 62: “Fic, please. Batman/Joker. Something rough, no romance, please. In some alternate universe Gotham City, the guys are almost exactly the same people they are in ours, except there Batman is the criminal and the Joker is the city's renegade vigilante—and he doesn’t mind killing, not at all. Possible scenario: Joker figures out who the Bat is, and decides to bring him in, dead or alive.”

This fic is based both on the Nolanverse and the comics Earth-3 canon. In the Earth-3 reality, everyone’s basic personality is still much the same, but Owlman (Batman) is boss of all crime bosses in Gotham and Jokester (Joker) is the costumed vigilante, his crime-fighting career having started after Owlman brutally killed his manager and BFF Harley Quinzel and carved those scars in his face (while saying “who’s laughing now?”) for the unspeakable crime of making fun of him. Also, Thomas Wayne is the Gotham PD Commissioner, having survived the attack on his family (carried out by a corrupt policeman, not Joe Chill). If you’d like to see some Earth-3 scans, I have a selection here: and a ton of Earth-3 info/meta here:, but all you need to understand this story is to have watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, as most of the inspiration and interpretation of the characters comes from the films (hence Rachel being here). I am writing a series of long fics set on a very Nolanverse-flavoured version of Earth-3; this story takes place during the second fic, but it completely stands on its own.

In comics canon, Jokester has a bunch of awesome gadgets, of which we only get to see a handful. I’ve rounded out the set—as it were—and made him as handy with a knife as his evil alter-ego because a) it’s fun; b) electronics fail, but a prepared clown-costumed crime-fighter is an alive clown-costumed crime-fighter.

Again, huge thanks to [info]btsxbeta for all her work on this fic. I couldn’t have done it without her. Hope you all like the story’s conclusion.

+Blood Meridian+

Chapter 1. Blood Calling

Chapter 2. Nemesis

(Chapter 3. The Killing Dance)
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Saturday, March 14th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 4 - The Brimstone Wedding pt 2a (fic)


Original poster: overlithe

Title: The Brimstone Wedding (Chapter 2a)
Author: overlithe
Fandoms: Nolanverse x DCU’s Earth-3 crossover
Summary: Crossover between the Nolanverse and a Nolanised version of DCU’s Earth-3 AU. After Jokester and Owlman find themselves in the Nolanverse Gotham, the Joker teams up with Batman’s evil counterpart and the duo ponder life, death, sex, violence, their nemeses, each other, and their alter egos. Written for Team Anarchy for Round 4 (Role reversal) the [info]batmanjoker Knight vs Anarchy Team Challenge and for prompt #052 (Fire) of the [info]fanfic100 challenge.
Charaters/Pairings: the Joker, Owlman/Bruce Wayne (=Earth-3!Batman); Joker/Owlman, references to Batman/Joker, Jokester/Owlman and Jokester/Riddler/Three Face
Prompt: [info]batmanjoker Team Challenge Prompt 4: Role reversal; [info]fanfic100 prompt 052. Fire
Word count: 1,062
Rating: NC-17
Warnings (for this and subsequent chapters): My goodness, it’s a fic about two sociopaths jockeying for dominance; explicit sex, violence, explicit sex and violence, dub-con, sadism, masochism, bondage, D/s without safewords, boundaries or sanity, blood, darkness and pretty much everything but the kitchen sink and bodily waste. Nothing that’s truly non-con, though. Also, in this chapter, Owlman describes a Nolanised version of this scene from the comics (second panel from the bottom), so there’s extensive references to characters’ deaths. Sorry, folks.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and a zillion other companies and people. Believe me, if I were one of those people, there would be tons of comics and movie canon set on Earth-3 (not to mention Batman meeting the Jokester so the latter could break the former’s brain). I'm not making any money and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The title comes from the Ruth Rendell novel of the same name, but as far as I know there are no similarities between the two works. I just thought the title was very appropriate.
Author’s Notes: This follows right on the heels of chapter 1, so you may want to re-read that to refresh your memory. For those not familiar with Earth-3 canon, at some point in the comics, Jokester meets the Riddler Family, comprised of his long-lost ex, Evelyn Dent, now known as Three Face, his and Eve’s teenaged daughter, Duela Dent, and Eve’s squeeze/partner, Edward, aka the Riddler. He then promptly becomes the newest addition to the Riddler Family and they all have many happy crime-fighting hours together. Then, this being Earth-3, it all goes tits-up thanks to Owlman and his friends (see the scanned page linked in the Warnings section above). The idea of Jokester, Riddler and Three Face as a poly triad (pentagon?) is neither confirmed nor denied by the canon; I just like the concept.

This is the first half of chapter 2. I just wanted to get it in before the challenge’s deadline. The second half of the chapter should be up by noon (GMT) tomorrow and yes, it will more than merit its NC-17 rating. :) Speaking of which, you are all invited to contribute prompts to my little Riddler Family kink meme if you’d like!

Again, this is unbeta-ed due to time constraints, but I’ve edited it to the best of my ability. I hope you all like it!

ii. Through a Glass Darkly - Part I )

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Monday, January 26th, 2009


Original poster: platypusbang

Hi everybody!

I'm usually a lurker here, but today I bring you fanart!

Warnings: Blood. But this is a Bats/Joker community so that's a given.

Okay so not technically Batman/Joker but Owlman/Jokester

Yeah, I'm one of  those people. You know, the ones that keep talking about a so-called Earth-3 in which everything is reversed?

(If posting the DevArt link is not allowed,  tell me and I'll change it :D)

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Friday, January 9th, 2009

Secret Santa Fic - Prompt 62 - Blood Meridian (3/3)


Original poster: overlithe

Title: Blood Meridian
Author: [info]overlithe
Fandom: The Dark Knight/Nolanverse/DCU’s Earth-3
Summary: AU based on the comics’ Earth-3 reality. In another Gotham, a clown-suited, greasepaint-covered agent of chaos is the nemesis of Bruce Wayne, crime boss of all crime bosses—and tonight, they’re both ready to make their enemy take his last bow. Twisted Batman/Joker (even more twisted than in the regular universe, if you can believe it).
Characters/Pairings: the Jokester (Joker), Owlman (Batman/Bruce Wayne), Rachel Dawes, Jim Gordon, Alfred Pennyworth, Thomas Wayne, minor OCs; Jokester(Joker)/Owlman(Batman), slight references to other pairings
Rating: R
Warnings (for this chapter): Violence, sexual content, sadomasochism, knives, blood, adult themes, dub-con. Let’s just say that Bruce Wayne embraces all aspects of his sadism in this chapter. More sensitive readers are advised to—oh, who am I fooling, you’re all pervs.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and a million other companies and people, none of which are me. I use because I love! I’m not making any money from this and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. The title comes from the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name. Several lines in the story are lifted verbatim or nearly verbatim from The Dark Knight.
Author's Note: Written for [info]dmwmd for the [info]batmanjoker Secret Santa fic prompt number 62: “Fic, please. Batman/Joker. Something rough, no romance, please. In some alternate universe Gotham City, the guys are almost exactly the same people they are in ours, except there Batman is the criminal and the Joker is the city's renegade vigilante—and he doesn’t mind killing, not at all. Possible scenario: Joker figures out who the Bat is, and decides to bring him in, dead or alive.”

This fic is based both on the Nolanverse and the comics Earth-3 canon. In the Earth-3 reality, everyone’s basic personality is still much the same, but Owlman (Batman) is boss of all crime bosses in Gotham and Jokester (Joker) is the costumed vigilante, his crime-fighting career having started after Owlman brutally killed his manager and BFF Harley Quinzel and carved those scars in his face (while saying “who’s laughing now?”) for the unspeakable crime of making fun of him. Also, Thomas Wayne is the Gotham PD Commissioner, having survived the attack on his family (carried out by a corrupt policeman, not Joe Chill). If you’d like to see some Earth-3 scans, I have a selection here: and a ton of Earth-3 info/meta here:, but all you need to understand this story is to have watched Batman Begins and The Dark Knight, as most of the inspiration and interpretation of the characters comes from the films (hence Rachel being here). I am writing a series of long fics set on a very Nolanverse-flavoured version of Earth-3; this story takes place during the second fic, but it completely stands on its own.

In comics canon, Jokester has a bunch of awesome gadgets, of which we only get to see a handful. I’ve rounded out the set—as it were—and made him as handy with a knife as his evil alter-ego because a) it’s fun; b) electronics fail, but a prepared clown-costumed crime-fighter is an alive clown-costumed crime-fighter.

Again, huge thanks to [info]btsxbeta for all her work on this fic. I couldn’t have done it without her. Hope you all like the story’s conclusion.

+Blood Meridian+

Chapter 1. Blood Calling

Chapter 2. Nemesis

(Chapter 3. The Killing Dance)
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