Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Tests Part 2


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Here is Part 2 of "Tests."  It's definitely NOT work-safe, fyi.  It's porn.  Rated NC-17.  :)

Tests Part 2 (NSFW) )

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Happy (belated) Heath Ledger Day!!! (aka "Lessons" sequel, aaka PORN)


Original poster: kitcatitalica

So sorry, but I wasn't able to get this finished in time for April 4th, which would have been Heathus' 32nd birthday.  So I'll have to make do with a belated celebration entry.  Because what better way to celebrate the life and work of one of the greatest actors of our time than by letting one of his most colorful characters have hot gay sex with said character's soulmate?  :D

Title: Tests
Word Count: 10, 128
Pairing: Joker/Bruce
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, but if I did...well...this wouldn't be called "fanfic," it would be called "FUCKING CANON OF CANON-FUCKING. NOW MAKE THE OWNER OF BATMAN AND JOKER A SANDWICH." *starves to death because I'm not Bob Kane, Bill Finger, or Chris Nolan*
Rating: NC-17 fo' sho'
Warnings: references to rough sex in the past, graphic depictions of sex in the present, allusions to wonderful hot sex in the future :D YAY!
Summary: Bruce's thoughts directed at Joker as they get it on the very next night.

A/N: This is the sequel to "Lessons," my first ever porno fic experiment.  That one was from J's POV, so obviously its sequel has to be from B's.  Because I can't leave these things one-sided when it comes to this pairing.  I love them both too much.  <3<3  But since this is Porn Without any semblence of Plot, it's not totally necessary to read "Lessons" before "Tests."  But hey, it's a quickie B/J sex fic, so why not? ;)  /pimping prequel
Tests Part 1 (NSFW) )

And once again, long fic is long, so this must be divvied up into two parts.  Part 2 is here.
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Monday, March 21st, 2011


Original poster: anarchylullaby

Title: Your Joy Is My Low.
Author: [info]anarchylullaby 
Word Count: 2,981
Rating: R
Summary: The Joker decides to have some fun.
Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING. So don't sue me.
Warnings: PORN! :D NSFW!




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Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Fic: Heartbeat Ch. 2/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Chapter 2: Toothache
Word Count: 4,436
Pairing: Vamp!Bruce/Vamp!Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, only this blood-ridden AU filled with vampire hickey-sex.
Rating: NC-17 this chap.  And the next, most likely.
Warnings: violence, blood, bloodplay, somewhat dubcon, graphic fang!sex
Fic Summary: Bruce was bitten when he was eight years old, and has sworn to destroy all others of his kind that ravage the mortals of his city - even the most sadistic and unstoppable of them all.

A/N: I know what you're thinking: how can vampires realistically have sex?  They have no blood pumping through their systems, how can male vamps get aroused?  Never fear, here's where all your questions get answered about everything you ever wanted to know (and then some) about my original take on vampiric sex.  Assisting me in this vamp!sex-ed fic are the one and only Batman and Joker.  Because they're HOT getting it on together no matter WHAT immortal creature they happen to be stuck as.

Toothache )

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Thursday, January 27th, 2011

Once Part 5


Original poster: kitcatitalica

This is the 5th and FINAL part to "Once," which in turn is the fifth and final installment of my fic series "Singles Awareness Day."  This fic has been inexcusably long, and is rated NC-17 for graphic porn.  But that's pretty much done with in this fic now.  
No, really. Y'know what, just read it.  You'll know what I mean. 
I never guaranteed a happy ending.

Once part 5 )

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"Once" Part 4


Original poster: kitcatitalica

This is Part 4 of "Once," the fifth and final installment of my fic series "Singles Awareness Day."  This fic is super-duper-long, and is rated NC-17 for graphic porn.  Most of which can be found behind the LJ cut below.

Once part 4 )

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"Once" Part 3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

This is Part 3 of "Once," the fifth and final installment of my fic series "Singles Awareness Day."  This fic is long as hell, and rated NC-17 for graphic porn. 
This segment is mostly just cuddly stuff.  :D

Once part 3 )

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"Once" Part 2


Original poster: kitcatitalica

To save space in this post for the actual content, I'll be brief.  This is Part 2 of "Once", the fifth and final installment of my series "Singles Awareness Day."  This fic is long and rated NC-17 for graphic porn.  Yeah.

Once part 2 )

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Singles Awareness Day Series Part 5/5: "Once" Part 1


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: Once
Word Count: um, 19,615.  F YEAH.  \O/
Pairings: Batman(Bruce)/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, or else I'd bring Heathus back to life somehow and THIS would be the final part of the trilogy, not this Selina Kyle hogwash.  Sorry, Annie.
Rating: NC-17, but this time for a good reason!
Warnings: straight-up PORN.  PWP, NSFW.  graphic homosexual intercourse, oral sex, rimming, shower-cuddling, kissing, top!Bruce/bottom!Joker, top!Joker/bottom!Bruce, OH MY GOD JUST READ IT.  :D
...oh, fluff/angst/language/hurt/comfort/drama.  That too.  But PORNY-PORN-POOORRRN!!  xD
Summary: PORN.  One final chance for all they wanted, before the world comes crashing down.
A/N: So you know, it's debatable about whether this series has a happy ending or not.  Of course, since I've been so exuberant about the porn aspect, you'd think it ends happy.  But...well, you'll see.  This series hasn't been the most uplifting read ever, I know.  But whether or not you think it has a happy ending, one thing is certain: it is the ending.  I'm not continuing this afterward; how it ends is how it ends.  Deal and live, I guess.
Ok, I've wasted your time with silly author's notes.  Just read it.  You know you want to.

Part 1 (Singles Awareness Day) can be found here. (PG-13)
Part 2 (Apologize for the World) can be found here. (R)
Part 3 (Mind Your Surroundings) can be found here. (NC-17)
Part 4 (A Particular Question) can be found here. (PG-13)

Once Part 1 )

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Singles Awareness Day Series Part 2/5


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: Apologize for the World
Word Count: 2,489
Pairings: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, I just crush their dreams and destroy their souls like the sadistic author I can be.
Rating: R
Warnings: masturbation, ALOTTA ANGST LIKE WOAH
Summary: Batman witnesses something he should never have seen, but the fight against fate is a losing battle.
A/N: So, this is Part 2 of my little B/J series, beginning with "Singles Awareness Day."  Just heads up, this has got to be one of the most depressing things I've ever written.  AND IT ONLY GETS WORSE.  D:
...oh, and nearly forgot, I also wrote a song about this fic.  Still no chords for instrumentals, but it's in the works lyric-wise. I may post it with the rest of my poems at a later date.

Part 1 can be found here. (PG-13)

Apologize for the World )

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Fic: Lessons


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: Lessons
Word Count: 4,928
Pairings: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, or else this scene would've played after the credits rolled.  I wish.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: graphic sex (oral, handjobs), PWP, knifeplay, some language
Summary: Joker's thoughts directed at Batman as they get it on one night.
A/N: Finally, some actual porn!!  :D  Some time last year after Spring Break, I was sick and was technically supposed to be writing an English paper...but this came out instead.  Idk how it happened, I swear, my fingers have a perverted mind of their own sometimes ;D  But y'know what really makes me sad?  I'm not gonna be eighteen for another seven months, so if I didn't write this I wouldn't be able to read it.  :(  It's annoying I can't read as much porn on here as I'd like.  *sigh*

Lessons )

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Monday, August 9th, 2010

Intervals- Hang- Part 2


Original poster: newbluemoon

Title: Intervals- Hang- pt 2
Author: newbluemoon
Summary: PORN, PORN, SO MUCH PORN. Lol, aka,  chapter 10 guys.
Pairing/characters: Bruce/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Warnings For Series: Graphic sex, swearing, violence, slash, procrastination
Word count: 11800-ish o_o (this chapter)
Disclaimer: If you elect me as owner of these two, I promise to include gay sex in every appearance of theirs. What do you say? NO? :O Well screw you then. (Apparently my campaigning isn't going well, so no, I don't own this. DC does.)

A/N: Sorry for the wait. I had to rewrite this chapter because I lost the one I already had written as my laptop has died. -_-
Considering this was originally supposed to be a drabble series, jfc there's a lot of porn in here. It was originally 6000 words the first time, and I almost doubledI have never written so much smut before. There is literally over 9000 words of just porn. xD There's probably a lot of mistakes in here, so if you catch 'em, let me know? Thanks guys!  LJ is making me post this in two parts, but it's all one chapter.

Hang- Part 2 )
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Intervals- Hang -Part 1


Original poster: newbluemoon

Title: Intervals- Hang- pt 1
Author: newbluemoon
Summary: PORN, PORN, SO MUCH PORN. Lol, aka,  chapter 10 guys.
Pairing/characters: Bruce/Joker
Rating: NC-17
Warnings For Series: Graphic sex, swearing, violence, slash, procrastination
Word count: 11800-ish o_o (this chapter)
Disclaimer: If you elect me as owner of these two, I promise to include gay sex in every appearance of theirs. What do you say? NO? :O Well screw you then. (Apparently my campaigning isn't going well, so no, I don't own this. DC does.)

A/N: Considering this was originally supposed to be a drabble series, jfc there's a lot of porn in here. I have never written so much smut before. There is literally over 9000 words of just porn. xD There's probably a lot of mistakes in here, so if you catch 'em, let me know? Thanks guys!
LJ is making me post this in two parts, but it's all one chapter. You should read this part first, btw!


Hang- Part 1 )


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Sunday, August 1st, 2010

Why do we fall, sir? So that we might learn to pick ourselves up.


Original poster: thedeathchamber

Rating: NC-17, NSFW
Notes: A scene requested by [info]jean_c_pepper , from [info]newbluemoon 's In the closet.

"You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul. )

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Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

team knight - round 10 - fanart


Original poster: thedeathchamber


Prompt: Batman: You'll be in a padded cell forever.
               The Joker: Maybe we can share one.
Summary: Living with the Joker is difficult. Living with the Batman/Bruce Wayne... not so much...
Rating: R, NSFW
Disclaimer:This work is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and other entities and corporations. No money is being made and no copyright and/or trademark infringement is intended.
Notes: I hope I'm doing this right!

He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. )

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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Fic: 'Interlude: Mother of Pearl', Owlman/femme!Jokester, NC-17


Original poster: ladyk_d_azrael

Just gonna leave this here in case anyone's interested...

Title: Interlude: Mother of Pearl

Pairing/characters: femme!Jokester/Owlman (Bruce Wayne), Poison Ivy

Rating: NC-17

Summary: My version of the DC universe's Earth 3. Owlman (evil crime lord Bruce Wayne) and the Jokester (good vigilante Joker). “Owlsie-pie, you and your one-track mind – this isn’t an arch-nemesis thing, it’s a kink thing...”

Warnings: Het, D/S (fem!dom), bondage, dub-con, spanking, mummy!kink, toys.

A/N: Technically comes after the events of For Great Justice! I just needed a pr0n fix. I won’t write my stories in order, I won’t *stamps foot*. As ever, if anyone wants to know more about the (DC canon!) alternate universes of moral inversion (Earth 3 and anti-matter Earth), consult scans and other material at [info]funhouseofevil.

Other fics in the series:

Interlude: The In-Laws
For Great Justice! (part 1)
Part 2
Part 3

Clicky for non-worksafe ficcy!

X-posted to [info]funhouseofevil [info]batfic
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Sunday, September 13th, 2009

For the Prompts & Practice exercise--Fic: "Once, With Another Woman"


Original poster: ragcat

Title:"Once, With Another Woman"
Prompt:"Once, with another woman..."
Warnings/Disclaimers:M/M, oral sex, language
Notes: One shot for the Prompts and Practice exercise proposed by Mayphoenix. Bats and Joker have a little post-interlude discussion. Naughty. Please comment!!


You're so damn good at this... )

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Saturday, September 12th, 2009

Post for Testing Tags


Original poster: overlithe

This is a dummy post for comm members to test the tagging system. For detailed instructions on how the tagging system works and how to tag your posts, go here.

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Sunday, September 6th, 2009

Bat-Joker pron.


Original poster: loony_lucifer

Heeeeeeey guys. Let's get some action up in here again.

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Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

Fic: Emotion


Original poster: daydreamer64

Title: Emotion
Author: DayDreamer64/MadWanderer
Fandom: Batman/Nolanverse
Pairing(s): Batman/Joker
Genre(s): Smut, kinky
Rating: hard R
Prompt: Joker topping and it has to involve toys.
Word Count: 825
Summary: In which Joker plays and Batman has to as well.
Disclaimer: All television shows, movies, books, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work, and the characters, settings, and events thereof, are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is an interpretation of the original material and not for-profit, it constitutes fair use. Reference to real persons, places, or events are made in a fictional context, and are not intended to be libelous, defamatory, or in any way factual.
Note: I can't believe I never crossposted this. I wrote this for [info]batsyx a while back and I reposted it at my writing journal but I guess I forgot to pimp it here. ^^;;

( Fall so deep into you, and lose myself completely )

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