Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Fic: Heartbeat Ch. 1/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: Heartbeat
Word Count: 3,180
Pairing: Vamp!Bruce/Vamp!Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, only this AU's vampires. BECAUSE I CAN.
Rating: R this chapter
Warnings: violence, gore, blood, minor slash
Fic Summary: Bruce was bitten when he was eight years old, and has sworn to destroy all others of his kind that ravage the mortals of his city - even the most sadistic and unstoppable of them all.

A/N: A while ago I was pondering the great mysteries of life, and I arrived upon the subject of vampires.  It has come to my attention that vampires are utterly badass creatures of nightmare, but yet their genre has been tainted by certain additions to vamp-lore involving glittery Gary Stus that we shall not mention further.

So, to combat this unfortunate fact about the vampire mythos, I took it upon myself to save the genre from its current setback.  And who better to salvage the bloodthirsty name of vampires than Batman and Joker?

And here is the result that I wrote a while ago and posted to, but am just now getting around to X-posting here.  There are two chapters right now, and a third and (most likely) final chap will be written in the near future.  And it gets smutty, just you wait.  And if you're interested, the glorious [info]kayliana_19 drew a sexy picture of the ending scene of this chapter, which can be found here.  Check it out and send her your love, for she is an amazing Homo sapien.  <3

Heartbeat )

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Fic: Heartbeat Ch. 2/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Chapter 2: Toothache
Word Count: 4,436
Pairing: Vamp!Bruce/Vamp!Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, only this blood-ridden AU filled with vampire hickey-sex.
Rating: NC-17 this chap.  And the next, most likely.
Warnings: violence, blood, bloodplay, somewhat dubcon, graphic fang!sex
Fic Summary: Bruce was bitten when he was eight years old, and has sworn to destroy all others of his kind that ravage the mortals of his city - even the most sadistic and unstoppable of them all.

A/N: I know what you're thinking: how can vampires realistically have sex?  They have no blood pumping through their systems, how can male vamps get aroused?  Never fear, here's where all your questions get answered about everything you ever wanted to know (and then some) about my original take on vampiric sex.  Assisting me in this vamp!sex-ed fic are the one and only Batman and Joker.  Because they're HOT getting it on together no matter WHAT immortal creature they happen to be stuck as.

Toothache )

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Fic: The King and His Fool Ch. 1/5


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: The King and His Fool
Word Count: 617
Pairings: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, I just convert them into medieval metaphors - which I /do/ own.  No stealie. ;)
Rating: G
Warnings: ain't nothing, really, except extraordinarily mild slash that's next to nil in existence
Summary: The dark king sits on his throne in the black night, while the grinning fool lurks behind him forever.
A/N: Basically my attempt at a pretentious extended metaphor, aka Gotham Meets Medieval Times!!!  (C'mon, Batman's a "knight", Joker's a "jester" can't tell me I was alone in thinking about this at some point.)

The King and His Fool )

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Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

Fic: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid Ch. 1/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

 Title: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
Chapter 1/3: The Lightning in Your Eyes
Word Count: 2,324
Pairings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, just this weird, twisted, AU, time-traveling, cracked-up plot.
Rating: PG
Warnings: a bit of gore, language, lots of strange unexplained time-travel
Summary: Joker picks up an eight-year-old kid named Bruce as his protégée, and Batman makes a deal with six-year-old Jack to train him by his side.  AU
A/N: This was inspired by the song "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" by The Offspring.  And it's got to be one of the strangest things I've ever written - but also the most fun I've ever had writing a story.  There's three chapters to this one, so stay tuned for the next two. :)

The Lightning in Your Eyes )

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

Fic: The King and His Fool Ch. 5/5


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: The King and His Fool
Chapter 5: We Two Kings
Word Count: 692
Pairings: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, just this strange metaphor I've forced them to inhabit.  And stop complaining, you two, you know you love eating turkey on a stick every morning!  Oh, those boys...I think they took that sexually...
Rating: PG
Warnings: just some good ol' fashioned Dark Ages man-kissing
Chapter Summary: The palace burns, but no fire can separate the two kings.
A/N: Hope you've enjoyed this so far.  It was fun to write, at least.  It gets a bit B/J-philosophy heavy toward the end, as does lots of my work.  Hope you don't mind too much. :P  And this was inspired somewhat from the song "Message for the Queen" from the 300 soundtrack.

We Two Kings )

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Fic: The King and His Fool Ch. 4/5


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: The King and His Fool
Chapter 4: What Must a King Do?
Word Count: 820
Pairings: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, just this weird medieval world I've written them into.
Rating: PG-15
Warnings: implied sex/bondage (finally!)
Chapter Summary: It all started in the king's battle tent.  The jester's tongue can send anyone over the edge, but neither could prepare for falling off this edge together.
A/N: This chapter is titled from the song "What Must a King Do?" from the 300 soundtrack, but is actually inspired from listening to "Xerxes' Tent."  Trust me, if you've heard it or seen the movie, you may get where I'm coming from.  xP  Oh, and "the captain of the guard" = Gordon, because I couldn't not include the commish in this, too.  <3 you, Jimbo!!!

What Must a King Do? )

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Fic: The King and His Fool Ch. 3/5


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: The King and His Fool
Chapter 3: The Jester-Queen
Word Count: 358
Pairings: Batman/Joker, brief Joker/Harley D:
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK, DC, or its characters, I just like to worship some while horridly bashing others.
Rating: PG
Warnings: implied sexuality, with some Bat-jealousy :)
Chapter Summary: The new king decides to indulge in the full benefits of the throne.  The martyr is less than pleased.
A/N: This chappie spawned from listening to "Cursed by Beauty" from the 300 soundtrack.  Hey, I love me some shirtless chiseled abs in battle. xP

The Jester-Queen )

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Fic: The King and His Fool Ch. 2/5


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: The King and His Fool
Chapter 2: Returns a King
Word Count: 724
Pairings: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, simply this plot.  Oh, and a copy of the 300 soundtrack that inspired four of these chapters.  THIS - IS - GOTHAAAAAAM!!! 
Rating: PG
Warnings: dastardly plots of violence and conquest. *wrings hands together evilly*
Chapter Summary: The king has sat on his throne for far too long.  The fool has plans to tip the balance.
A/N: Inspired by the song from the 300 soundtrack of the same title, "Returns a King."

Returns a King )

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Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

Fic: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid Ch. 2/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
Chapter 2/3: Dance ******, Dance (since this post is open to the public, decided to bleep it out.  If you know the song, you know what I mean.)
Word Count: 4,799
Pairings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, just this weird, twisted, AU, time-traveling, cracked-up plot.
Rating: PG-15 this chapter
Warnings: strong language issuing from elementary school kids' mouths, brief violence, references to adultery, general young!Joker and young!Bruce mischief
Fic Summary:  Joker picks up an eight-year-old kid named Bruce as his protégée, and Batman makes a deal with six-year-old Jack to train him by his side. AU

Chapter 2 )

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Fic: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid Ch. 3/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid
Chapter 3/3: It Was Really Only You
Word Count: 6,334
Pairings: none
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, just this weird, twisted, AU, time-traveling, cracked-up plot.
Rating: PG this chapter
Warnings: language, references to violence, some angst, some inexplicable magic time-travel again
Fic Summary: Joker picks up an eight-year-old kid named Bruce as his protégée, and Batman makes a deal with six-year-old Jack to train him by his side. AU
A/N: This bit gets a bit angsty/philosophical towards the end, but then again, it's Batman and Joker - what else could you expect?  That's also what tends to happen when you listen to Evanescence too much, I suppose.  Ah well.

It Was Really Only You )

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Tuesday, January 11th, 2011

Art for KitCat's "Heartbeat"


Original poster: kayliana_19

So,  my bestest bud KitCat ( wrote an AWESOME Vamp!B/J story over on ff ( and requested art of vampire Bruce and Joker in a liplock (fang-lock?) in each other's wings, and she's nice enough to share it with you all, so...


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Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

FIC: Freaks: The Infection (Nolanverse AU, Joker-centric, rated R)


Original poster: overlithe

Title: Freaks: The Infection
Author: [info]overlithe
Fandom: Batverse (Nolanverse with some comics canon)
Summary: Sequel to Freaks: The Virus/The Stinger, a Nolanverse AU in which both Batman and the Joker have superpowers. In this story: the Joker has always drawn the attention of those interested in unusual humans—but he’s always had the last laugh. Science fiction horror done Apocalyptic Log style.
Characters/Pairings: the Joker, Batman/Bruce Wayne, Dr Harleen Quinzel, Alfred Pennyworth, Lucius Fox, some other comics characters and OCs; gen, but there’s a fair dose of Batman/Joker and Harleen Quinzel/Joker obsession.
Word Count: 19,033
Rating: R
Warnings: I’ve aimed for High Octane Nightmare Fuel with this fic. There’s also some really gruesome but not graphically described violence (it’s all in the implications…).
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros and several other corporations and persons. The format of the fic owes a lot to horror done in pseudo-non-fiction style such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Max Brooks’ World War Z, the wiki-fiction SCP Foundation (neither the Department nor Section 13 are based on the Foundation, though—the premise is a common horror/sf trope and I came up with these particular fictional institutions long before I ever came across SCP) Mark Z Danielewski’s House of Leaves, etc. I’m not a big Stephen King fan but I did enjoy his short story 1408 and the Blood Chamber section in Part Two of the fic is based on this work. I’m not making any money and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Notes: I’ve tried to make the story as stand-alone as possible, but you’ll probably derive more enjoyment (is that the right word when it comes to a horror fic? ;)) from it if you read Freaks: The Virus/The Stinger first. I’ve also altered Harleen Quinzel’s backstory, circumstances and personality a bit in order to make her fit both into the constraints of the Nolanverse and this particular AU (basically, I’ve played up the darker aspects of the character as she appears in the comics). Batman doesn’t play a big role in this story but he’s a major character in the series as a whole, so I’m posting this here for completeness's sake. Many thanks to [info]btsxbeta for her beta-ing and input.

Story Links:
Part One: Exposure
Part Two: Entry
Part Three: Replication

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Friday, March 19th, 2010

Fic: Perdición (5 & 6/13?)


Original poster: daydreamer64

Title: Perdición
Author: DayDreamer64/MadWanderer
Fandom: The Dark Knight/Nolanverse
Pairing: Batman/Joker, brief mentions of Bruce/Gordon
Genre(s): AU
Prompt: "I won't kill you because you're just too much fun."--the Joker to Batman in TDK
Word Count: Part 5: 1610 Part 6: 1030
Summary: Captain Joker isn’t pleased with his captive.
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and other entities and corporations. No money is being made and no copyright and/or trademark infringement is intended.
Note: Such short chapters, but all rushed to make it in time for the deadline. |D;;

( Part 5 )
( Part 6 )

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Friday, February 12th, 2010

Oneshot: Concepts


Original poster: daydreamer64

Title: Concepts
Author: DayDreamer64/MadWanderer
Fandom: The Dark Knight/Nolanverse
Pairing: Batman/Joker, onsided Harleen/Joker, Harley/Poison Ivy
Genre(s): AU, Angst, Lime
Prompt: First Sight
Word Count: 2,564
Summary: Captain Joker isn’t pleased with his captive.
Disclaimer: This work is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and other entities and corporations. No money is being made and no copyright and/or trademark infringement is intended.
Note: A new story set in the premises of the world originally set in the fic, Magnolia as well as a side story to Perdición. It is not necessary to read Magnolia in order to understand this (comments would be appreciated) but, it would be wise to read Perdición to understand a bit of where this is going.

( She should have known )

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Saturday, January 16th, 2010

Secret Santa 2009 - Fic Prompt 12 - Becoming


Original poster: sweetcarolanne

Title: Becoming
Author/Artist: Carol Anne Caiafa
Prompt: #12. AU. Both Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes survived, and Batman has happily retired. But the Joker isn't so pleased…
POV: Joker’s
Rating: Soft R for imagery and language
Disclaimer: Don’t own ‘em, no profit, don’t sue!
Warnings: Implied sex and violence, cussing, a touch of angst, AU

Becoming )

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Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Fic: 'Interlude: Mother of Pearl', Owlman/femme!Jokester, NC-17


Original poster: ladyk_d_azrael

Just gonna leave this here in case anyone's interested...

Title: Interlude: Mother of Pearl

Pairing/characters: femme!Jokester/Owlman (Bruce Wayne), Poison Ivy

Rating: NC-17

Summary: My version of the DC universe's Earth 3. Owlman (evil crime lord Bruce Wayne) and the Jokester (good vigilante Joker). “Owlsie-pie, you and your one-track mind – this isn’t an arch-nemesis thing, it’s a kink thing...”

Warnings: Het, D/S (fem!dom), bondage, dub-con, spanking, mummy!kink, toys.

A/N: Technically comes after the events of For Great Justice! I just needed a pr0n fix. I won’t write my stories in order, I won’t *stamps foot*. As ever, if anyone wants to know more about the (DC canon!) alternate universes of moral inversion (Earth 3 and anti-matter Earth), consult scans and other material at [info]funhouseofevil.

Other fics in the series:

Interlude: The In-Laws
For Great Justice! (part 1)
Part 2
Part 3

Clicky for non-worksafe ficcy!

X-posted to [info]funhouseofevil [info]batfic
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Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Secret Santa 2009: Fanart prompt 11


Original poster: filthe

Author/Artist: filthe
Prompt:  Highschool AU, rating doesn't matter, you can do whatever you want as long as it's a fluffy highschool au set around Xmas time :)
Rating: g
Disclaimer: not my characters!
a/n: I basically just made em both teenagers here!under the cut )

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Friday, December 4th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 3 - Fic: Midnight


Original poster: overlithe

Title: Midnight
Author: [info]overlithe
Fandom: Batverse/The Dark Knight/Nolanverse
Summary: Five things that never happened to Bruce Wayne. AU (obviously). Gen with a side of Batman/Joker and some references to Bruce/Rachel. Written for Prompt 3 of [info]knightvsanarchy and Prompt 095. of [info]fanfic100 and [info]au100.
Characters/Pairings: Bruce Wayne/Batman, Martha Wayne, R’as al Ghul/Henri Ducard, Rachel Dawes, the Joker, Dr Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow; Pairings: some references to Batman/Joker and Bruce/Rachel
Prompt: [info]knightvsanarchy Prompt 3. New Year’s Eve; [info]fanfic100 and [info]au100 Prompt 095. New Year
Word Count: 2,915
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Bruce Wayne doing nasty things; creepiness
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and concepts created and owned by DC Comics, Warners Bros and several others corporations and persons. I’m not making any money and no trademark or copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Notes: A big thanks to [info]ladylahatiel for her many helpful comments and suggestions.

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Friday, November 13th, 2009

All the Sinners Chapter Five


Original poster: mirandafox

Disclaimer: All characters featured are the intellectual property of D.C. Comics and Time Warner. No infringement is intended with their usage.
Author’s Note: Although this has some basis within the Batman Begins/The Dark Knight canon, it is an AU. What if Bruce had never gone into the restaurant to talk to Falcone and thusly never been set on the path to become Batman?
Summary: Bruce Wayne is a successful private investigator in Gotham City, using his limitless resources to help the police force. Unbeknownst to Bruce, his latest case is in fact a twisted game set out by an individual who becomes very close to him.
Rating: R for violence and sexual situations.
Pairing: Eventual Bruce/Joker.

Chapter Five

Bruce arrived home some time after two in the morning. It had not been as bad an evening as he had feared. In fact, much to his surprise, Bruce found his feelings towards Harvey Dent undergoing something of a thaw. Dent shared a lot of Bruce’s opinions regarding effective ways of dealing with crime and possessed an inflexible attitude that was rare among Gotham’s elected public officials.

Read more... )

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Thursday, November 12th, 2009

FIC: Jokester and Owlman - For Great Justice! (3/?)


Original poster: ladyk_d_azrael

Title: Jokester and Owlman - For Great Justice! (part 3/?)

Pairing: femme!Jokester/Owlman

Rating: PG-13

Summary: Wherein the protagonists model swimwear and receive a timely warning from someone from Owlman’s mysterious past.

Jokester and Owlman are the morally inverse versions of our Batsy and Joker and they live in a place called Earth 3, which is part of the canon DC multiverse.

Owlman is that universe's Bruce Wayne - a violent sociopath crime-lord; the Jokester is a comedian turned (awesome) vigilante. If you want to read scans/know more, check out [info]overlithe's Earth 3 master-list here, or come and see where all the cool kids hang out at the [info]funhouseofevil.

Warnings: Swearing, sexual references and the goddamn Owlman. Genderswitch.

Previous bits:

Part 1
Part 2
Interlude: The In-Laws

Current chapter below:

'If you’re going to turn up at a sleazy motel without attracting suspicion, you need a female accomplice...'

X-posted to: [info]funhouseofevil [info]batfic
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