Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Fic: Heartbeat Ch. 1/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Title: Heartbeat
Word Count: 3,180
Pairing: Vamp!Bruce/Vamp!Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, only this AU's vampires. BECAUSE I CAN.
Rating: R this chapter
Warnings: violence, gore, blood, minor slash
Fic Summary: Bruce was bitten when he was eight years old, and has sworn to destroy all others of his kind that ravage the mortals of his city - even the most sadistic and unstoppable of them all.

A/N: A while ago I was pondering the great mysteries of life, and I arrived upon the subject of vampires.  It has come to my attention that vampires are utterly badass creatures of nightmare, but yet their genre has been tainted by certain additions to vamp-lore involving glittery Gary Stus that we shall not mention further.

So, to combat this unfortunate fact about the vampire mythos, I took it upon myself to save the genre from its current setback.  And who better to salvage the bloodthirsty name of vampires than Batman and Joker?

And here is the result that I wrote a while ago and posted to, but am just now getting around to X-posting here.  There are two chapters right now, and a third and (most likely) final chap will be written in the near future.  And it gets smutty, just you wait.  And if you're interested, the glorious [info]kayliana_19 drew a sexy picture of the ending scene of this chapter, which can be found here.  Check it out and send her your love, for she is an amazing Homo sapien.  <3

Heartbeat )

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Fic: Heartbeat Ch. 2/3


Original poster: kitcatitalica

Chapter 2: Toothache
Word Count: 4,436
Pairing: Vamp!Bruce/Vamp!Joker
Disclaimer: I don't own TDK or its characters, only this blood-ridden AU filled with vampire hickey-sex.
Rating: NC-17 this chap.  And the next, most likely.
Warnings: violence, blood, bloodplay, somewhat dubcon, graphic fang!sex
Fic Summary: Bruce was bitten when he was eight years old, and has sworn to destroy all others of his kind that ravage the mortals of his city - even the most sadistic and unstoppable of them all.

A/N: I know what you're thinking: how can vampires realistically have sex?  They have no blood pumping through their systems, how can male vamps get aroused?  Never fear, here's where all your questions get answered about everything you ever wanted to know (and then some) about my original take on vampiric sex.  Assisting me in this vamp!sex-ed fic are the one and only Batman and Joker.  Because they're HOT getting it on together no matter WHAT immortal creature they happen to be stuck as.

Toothache )

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