Tuesday, April 12th, 2011

Bastards Deranged [17/?] -Fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This fic is strictly for entertainment purposes. In no way am I profiting. Batman and those in the DC universe do not belong to me.
Rating: R (but will most likely go up in the future)
Warnings: coarse language, graphic violence, eventual m/m slash (meaning sex)
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight.
Word Count: 3999

Chapter 17: Disgusting and Vile

Want to start at the beginning? Chapter One: A Simple Phone Call

Please, please, please if you read and like it or hate it, don't forget to comment.

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Tuesday, February 15th, 2011

Bastards Deranged [16/?] -Fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke 
General disclaimer: this community contains stories and artwork based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. We are in no way affiliated with these corporations and we are not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: R, but could very well go up soon
Warnings: Eventual Slash, graphic violence, language, scenes of a highly sexual nature 
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight.

Chapter 16: Molten Hazel

Or start at the beginning: Chapter 1

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Saturday, November 27th, 2010

Bastards Deranged [15/?] - Fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged [15/?]
Author: 1bad_joke
Rating: R
Warnings: m/m slash, language, graphic violence as well as sex (eventually, mind you)
Disclaimer: Batman and the affiliates of DC universe don't belong to me. This is for fun, in no way am I profiting from this.
Pairings: Joker/Batman with mentions of Joker/Crane
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker, decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight.

Word Count: 2395

Feedback is the best!
The Beginning

Bruce and the Clown


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Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Bastards Deranged [14/?] - Fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged [14/?]
Author: 1bad_joke
Prompt: "You just couldn't let me go." The Joker to Batman (The Dark Knight)
Rating: R
Warnings: m/m slash, language, graphic violence as well as sex (eventually, mind you)
Disclaimer: Batman and the affiliates of DC universe don't belong to me. This is for fun, in no way am I profiting from this.
Pairings: Joker/Batman with mentions of Joker/Crane
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker, decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight.

Word Count: 3810

Jonathan and a Clown

Start at the beginning in my journal.

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Sunday, May 16th, 2010

Bastards Deranged [13/?] Fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Prompt: "With respect, sir, perhaps this is a man that you don't fully understand."--Alfred Pennyworth to Bruce Wayne, regarding the Joker (The Dark Knight)
Rating: R
Warnings: m/m slash, language, graphic violence as well as sex (eventually, mind you)
Disclaimer: Batman and the affiliates of DC universe don't belong to me. This is for fun, in no way am I profiting from this.
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker, decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight.
Word Count: 4294

Just a Pen (Chapter 13)

Confused? Start at the beginning: Chapter 1

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Monday, March 29th, 2010

Bastards Deranged [12/?] fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight.

Word Count: 3933

Chapter Summary: Meetings of sorts among doctors.

Part 12

Don't know what the hell's happening? Start from the beginning: Part 1

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Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 7 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged [9/?]
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 2389

Chapter Summary: One more chance to give the couples therapy another go. Plenty of Mr. J!

Chapter 9

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Friday, April 24th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 7 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 3997

A/N: Plot-advancing. Trust me, as much as I'd love to satisfy hormones and get straight to the slashy goodness, I want it to come about in a believable way. And yes, I'm still nervous about writing it. Feedback is very nutritional. More will probably be posted later on today. It depends on the timing.Thank you.

Chapter 8

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Thursday, April 9th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 6 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Prompt: I can’t remember when I had my first waking nightmare. They’re too disturbing to call daydreams. – Devour (2005 film)
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 3527

Chapter Summary: Jonathan receives a late night visitor.

Part 7

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Friday, March 27th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 5 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged [6/?]
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Prompt: "Man is least himself when in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth." -Oscar Wilde
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 3714

Part 6

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Thursday, March 12th, 2009

Bastards Deranged [5/?] -Fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 5294

A Reunion of Lovers

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Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Bastards Deranged [4/?] -Fanfic


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count:3677

Part One
Part Two
Part Three

Part Four

I'm sorry. I don't think I'll ever understand the LJ cut.

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Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Bastards Deranged [3/?]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
General disclaimer: this community contains stories and artwork based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. We are in no way affiliated with these corporations and we are not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13 (for now...)
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Batman/Joker and some Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.

Previous Chapters:
Part One
Part Two

Part Three

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Monday, January 19th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 1 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged [2/?]
Author: 1bad_joke
Prompt:“Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.” – Measure for Measure (Act II, Scene i)
General disclaimer: this community contains stories and artwork based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. We are in no way affiliated with these corporations and we are not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13 (for now...)
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 1790
Author's Notes: Thank you so much for positive feedback. I'm really excited to be apart such a fine community and its contributors.

Part Two

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Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 1 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Prompt:“Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.” – Measure for Measure (Act II, Scene i)
General disclaimer: this community contains stories and artwork based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. We are in no way affiliated with these corporations and we are not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG (as of now)
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Author's Notes: This is my first time posting, so I'm still learning. The plot isn't solid; I'm writing as I go along. Please have mercy.

Part 1

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Friday, March 27th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 5 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged [6/?]
Author: 1bad_joke
Disclaimer: This is strictly for entertainment purposes; Batman belongs to DC Comics and Bob Kane. There's nothing to sue me for, sorry.
Rating: PG-13 for now...
Prompt: "Man is least himself when in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth." -Oscar Wilde
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Bruce/Joker, mentions of Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 3714

Part 6

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Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Bastards Deranged [3/?]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
General disclaimer: this community contains stories and artwork based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. We are in no way affiliated with these corporations and we are not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13 (for now...)
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Pairings: Batman/Joker and some Joker/Scarecrow
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.

Previous Chapters:
Part One
Part Two

Part Three

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Monday, January 19th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 1 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged [2/?]
Author: 1bad_joke
Prompt:“Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.” – Measure for Measure (Act II, Scene i)
General disclaimer: this community contains stories and artwork based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. We are in no way affiliated with these corporations and we are not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG-13 (for now...)
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Word Count: 1790
Author's Notes: Thank you so much for positive feedback. I'm really excited to be apart such a fine community and its contributors.

Part Two

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Saturday, January 17th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 1 - Bastards Deranged [fanfic]


Original poster: 1bad_joke

Title: Bastards Deranged
Author: 1bad_joke
Prompt:“Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall.” – Measure for Measure (Act II, Scene i)
General disclaimer: this community contains stories and artwork based on concepts and characters created and owned by DC Comics, Warner Bros. and others. We are in no way affiliated with these corporations and we are not making any profit. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Rating: PG (as of now)
Warnings: Eventual Slash
Summary: Post TDK. An "anonymous" tip to Commissioner Gordon forces him to arrest the most wanted criminal in Gotham, The Batman. Bruce is locked in the world of pill popping madness and spirit breaking therapy sessions. Arkham Asylum's star patient, The Joker decides to lend a helping hand to the destruction of The Dark Knight. This will be a continuing series for the Team Knight and Team Anarchy challenge.
Author's Notes: This is my first time posting, so I'm still learning. The plot isn't solid; I'm writing as I go along. Please have mercy.

Part 1

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