Sunday, April 12th, 2009

Fanfic: Subjugation


Original poster: rdallyn

Title: Subjugation (Part 1 of ?)
Author: Rdallyn
Fandom: Nolanverse
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Word count: 4,804
Disclaimer: The Dark Knight belongs to Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. Batman belongs to Bob Kane.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Non-con, violence.
Beta Acknowledgment: [info]goodfrostedcats.
Summary: The Joker wakes up in a rather uncomfortable situation...
Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to [info]slicensmile and [info]memoryofgravy because they might just be as twisted as me (yes, this one too!) ;)
A/N: This is a re-write of my fic Hands. It is not necessary to read that one. About two thirds of this chapter is from Hands, though the parts I took from it have been changed a bit (I got lots of good feedback that helped me to improve it!) Basically I've expanded upon the idea from my last fic and gone in a different direction, which will be much longer than the original. :)

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Friday, March 27th, 2009

Fik: Broken Promise


Original poster: mukanshin

Title: Broken Promise
Author: Mukanshin
Rating: NC:17
Pairing: Bruce/Batman x Joker Batman, Joker
Word Count: Approx. 6,044
Disclaimer: Batman & The Joker are sadly not mine. *crie*
Warnings: NonCon Pronz, Dialogue. Shifting tenses. >.> <.< >.>
Summary: "You tease and you tease. But all you are Joker is a broken promise."
Status: One Shot. Complete.
Beta: Me, Myself & I.
A/N: First I would like to dedicate this to [info]loony_lucifer, [info]rdallyn & [info]arcaneamaranth because they were also wanting some non-con goodness when I first started this thing a ridiculously long time ago and have been oh so patient with me. XD

Even myself was starting to think this fik was nothing but a myth considering I started way back in Dec, but life happened and I had to take a non-optional-ish month off only to come back and find I kind of lost my aura mojo and Bruce was a prick. As such I'm not sure if the last fourthishness of the fik is as strong as it should be or if ah, everything pulled together quite how I wanted it too. And the non-con pronz is shorter than it was first intended to be. =( Forgives?

Anywho~ Enough of mine rambling, please enjoy.

"You tease and you tease. But all you are Joker is a broken promise."

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Friday, February 27th, 2009

Team Anarchy - Round 3 - Hands (fic)


Original poster: rdallyn

Title: Hands
Author: Rdallyn
Fandom: Nolanverse
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Prompt: [info]batmanjoker Knight vs Anarchy round 3: Bad luck
Word count: 3,333
Disclaimer: The Dark Knight belongs to Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. Batman belongs to Bob Kane.
Rating: NC-17
Warning(s): Non-con, violence.
Beta Acknowledgment: I iz grammar nazi. ;)
Summary: The Joker wakes up in a rather uncomfortable situation...

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Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

Belated Secret Santa Fic: Dangerous


Original poster: tyleet27

Title: Dangerous
Author: Tyleet27
Rating: NC-17. Perhaps a bit disturbing, edges around non-con.
Prompt:61. Batman remains the same, but the Joker is genderbent into a woman. Cue the tabloids' cry of 'ABUSE! ABUSE!' and feminists psychoanalyzing the hell out of female!Joker and Batman--just Gotham's general reaction to their Guardian routinely beating the shit out of a woman (and sometimes forgetting how dangerous she is).
Ooh, and the cherry on top, a bonus if you will: After a wild night where IT finally happens (and on the other side, you can argue Batman snapped in the moment and raped Joker out of a desire for control, but then again, Joker's really enjoying both the violation and brining him down that low), female!Joker's pregnant. And while she muses that she's NOT infertile after all, and all over a lil' part of Batsy all her own, and with a bit of her mixed in for good measure, Batman is freaking. Out.

A/N: OMG. I am so sorry this is so late! I had a holiday travel nightmare which left me without internet for about a week, so this is the soonest I could post. Sorry! Hope you all had wonderful holidays. : )

Of course she's dangerous. )

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Sunday, December 21st, 2008

Secret Santa Challenge Fic- Prompt 24- Bondage and Non-con


Original poster: nikki6

Title: Breaking the Joker
Author: [info]nikki6 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.
Summary: This was the prompt: Bondage and noncon. The Joker gets tied up (or handcuffed or straitjacketed, you get the idea, seriously restrained) and Batman rapes him. And the Joker doesn't like it. No romance, please. Full Joker regalia (makeup and suit) would be much appreciated.

I tried to do my best, it's a little twisted. This is a warning to any who don't like harder stuff, don't read this. It's a little harsh in places....Everyone else, enjoy.


Breaking the Joker )


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