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Thursday, May 28th, 2009

    Time Event
    Gotham Idol Round 1 - [thesingingbush] - Fic - [A Butler, A Bedroom, And A Video Camera]

    Original poster: thesingingbush

    Title: A Butler, A Bedroom, And A Video Camera
    Author: thesingingbush
    Disclaimer: I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything, I didn't say anything, I didn't do anything, I don't own anything. As far as anyone's concerned, this is all a dream. Now try and sue that. XD
    Rating: R (Maybe NSFW?)
    Prompt: Action
    Word Count: 2,827
    Team: Team Knight
    Summary: While cleaning up Master Wayne's bedroom, Alfred finds a video camera and accidentally watches something he wished he didn't see...

    (A/N: Yaay!! My first graphic scene that doesn't involve violence!!! =D Everyone, please be gentle when commenting to this, because it is my first time writing umm....*blush* this sort of thing...u///u. Let me know if it's good, bad, needs improvement, whatever. I want to make it really good, so plz tell me how I did!!)

    UPDATED: Thanks to thanks_to_god for reminding me, I added the ending piece which I was originally going to put in at the end, but of course forgot. Thank you again, Kissy!! Wuv U!! ^///^

    Poor Old Alfred )

    Current Mood: thirsty
    Current Music: Static

    Voyeurism At It's Worst Part 8/?

    Original poster: heatherhouse

    Title: Voyeurism At It's Worst 8/?
    Author: [info]heatherhouse
    Rating: PG-13, for now
    Characters/Pairings: Joker/Batman, OC
    Warnings: Un'bated, Crackfic
    Disclaimer: Only Desarai belongs to me, so please don't take her. The boys belongs to DC and Warner Brothers.
    Verse: Movieverse
    A/N: Okay, stay with me you guys. This one is a little more dramatic and a little more WTF?! then usual. I also need to thank [info]chosenfire28, because we should all bow to her in thanks for keeping this story going.
    Summary: I didn't want to see Joker and Batman kissing. It just happened.

    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6
    Chapter 7


    Delight in Disorder Chapter 5

    Original poster: melodyofchoas

    Title: Delight in Disorder Chapter 5/?

    Author: Melodyofchaos

    Disclaimer: I don’t own anything Batman related, if I did Bats and Joker would wear a lot less clothing whilst together.

    Rating: NC17

    Warnings: Mpreg, explicit sex,

    Summery: After Batman gives in to his hidden desires for one night, he carts off the clown to Arkham, only for the doctors to find the Joker is pregnant. Bruce finds out after hacking into the system after the Joker’s escape and reading his medical file, with a side note saying that some doctors at Arkham are theorizing that the Joker was experimented on in the past.


    Delight in Disorder Chapter 5 )

    Current Mood: crazy
    What do you expect? It's The Joker.

    Original poster: saint_uto

    Title:The Little Prince's Lullaby
    Summary:People are just like instruments, in The Joker's state of mind.
    Pairing:The Joker/Bruce Wayne
    Disclaimer:My ownership of Batman is as real as actually flying pigs.
    A/N:The Human series is on a current stand still right now, so right now I'm doing one-shots. Also, not to be bothersome, please R&R as I am trying a different writing style. One of my fellow writers said I should try something new....but it came out more like a bastard child.


    (It takes actions to break people, not words....) )
    Gotham Idol Round 1 deadline extended until tomorrow

    Original poster: overlithe

    Hi everyone,

    As some of you may recall, Round 1 of the Gotham Idol Competition was due to close at 11:59pm PDT on the 27th May. I know some of you have already posted your work for this round, but since not everyone who signed up posted their work yet, we have decided to extend the round until the 29th May (this Friday) at 11:59pm PDT. Again, this round is open to all comm members, but the people who went through the auditions process will receive a three points bonus during the voting phase.

    The rest of the schedule will be moved forward by two days to accommodate this but will otherwise remain unchanged.

    For rules and full info please click on the link provided.

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