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Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

    Time Event
    Voyeurism At It's Worst Part 7/?

    Original poster: heatherhouse

    Title: Voyeurism At It's Worst 7/?
    Author: [info]heatherhouse
    Rating: PG-13, for now
    Characters/Pairings: Joker/Batman, OC
    Warnings: Un'bated, Crackfic
    Disclaimer: Only Desarai belongs to me, so please don't take her. The boys belongs to DC and Warner Brothers.
    Verse: Movieverse
    A/N: This is a much longer post and I hope you like the imaginary douche bag. Hope you all enjoy. XD
    Summary: I didn't want to see Joker and Batman kissing. It just happened.

    Chapter 1
    Chapter 2
    Chapter 3
    Chapter 4
    Chapter 5
    Chapter 6

    Bad Puppy

    Gotham Idol Round 1 - Rancid_Rainbow - Art

    Original poster: rancid_rainbow

    Title:  I'm Gonna Get You
    Artist: Kanike
    Disclaimer: Joker and Batman certainly aren't mine, I'm just playing with the pretties.
    Rating: R (NSFW I don't think) 
    Prompt: Action
    Team: Anarchy

    Notes: Joker has that seething "Grrrr...Batsy! You SPANKED me!! I'll get you..." look on his face. Joker's ready to pounce, Bats is ready to snatch him up. These two are about to have a wrestling match of epic proportions in Brucey's penthouse. Alfred's gonna have hell moving all the furniture back where it belongs. Think Joker's gonna make Bats kiss those spankin' marks better?
    This way to the front row... )

    Gotham Idol Round 1-Ragcat-Fic-"Gotham Boys"

    Original poster: ragcat

    Title: "Gotham Boys"
    Author: Ragcat
    Disclaimer:I do not own Batman or Joker or DC Comics or Nolanverse anything, no profit for me
    Warnings: Just some language in this one.
    Summary: The Joker has escaped from Arkham with one thing on his mind, but he's a little under the weather.

    Chapter 2: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/440441.html
    Chapter 3: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/449946.html
    Chapter 4: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/454377.html
    Chapter 5: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/462685.html
    Chapter 6: http://community.livejournal.com/batmanjoker/466181.html?view=4168709#t4168709

    The Joker was ready for some action )

    Current Mood: curious
    Current Music: Patti Smith

    Gotham Idol reminder + [info]funhouseofevil exchange

    Original poster: overlithe

    This post is to remind you that the deadline for participating in Round 1 of the Gotham Idol Challenge ends on Wednesday the 27th May at 11:59pm PDT. Please click on the link provided for more information on this contest.

    Also, the other comm I co-mod, [info]funhouseofevil, is currently having a fic/art exchange, and I thought some of you might like to submit/claim Jokester/Owlman (or Joker/Owlman, or Batman/Jokester) prompts. Here's the extreme advertising text I posted to my LJ explaining what the exchange and what the comm is about (and how it's Relevant to Our Interests):

    After some requests over at [info]funhouseofevil, we're having a fic/art exchange. It works basically like a kink meme in that people can submit prompts that will be posted anonymously for claiming, but it's open to prompts of all genres and ratings, not just pr0n. If you're interested, go here for the submissions post, which has all the information you need, and here for the claims post.

    If you're not a member of [info]funhouseofevil and haven't heard about Earth-3... my goodness, you have no idea what you're missing on, do you? I mean, just look at the main characters:

    The, umm, Heroes

    -Jokester (hero!Joker): the Joker, with some empathy and a moral compass of sorts. If you ever wondered what the Joker would be like with all of the awesomeness but without the mindbending homicidal sociopathy, wonder no more. Formerly a comedian called Jackie who had one of those rags-to-riches stories after he started making fun of Owlman (see below) until the latter showed up to deliver a cutting review. As it were. The best costumed crime-fighter character in the history of the world, as evidenced by the fact that he addresses the 300 pound sociopath who killed his friends and slashed up his face and drove him batshit insane as "Owlsie", while destroying his h8ers with awesome lines and working an outfit even Adrian Freaking Veidt couldn't pull off. At some point in the canon, he joins the Riddler Family, comprised of:

    -Three-Face (hero!Two-Face): you know how Rule 63 posits that for every male (female) character, someone, somewhere, has come up with a female (male) version? Three-Face is rule 63!Harvey Dent, only she has three personalities and instead of being horribly scarred, she has an epic rack, so we can perv from a safe distance. She used to be Jackie's girlfriend back when they were wee, then disappeared only to resurface years later as a costumed crime-fighter with two new personalities and so much badassery she can pull a gun on someone she's just helped rescue and tell her husband/boyfriend her ex is going to go live with them now and he just does the costumed crime-fighter equivalent of saying "Thank you, ma'am, may I please have another one?"

    -Riddler: the costumed crime-fighter version of the Riddler, obviously. This version of the Riddler has passed the suits and bowler hats over in favour of washboard abs and a skin-tight outfit. So smooth he can swoop in and rescue your sorry arse and tell you he's boning your ex and call you a loser and you won't even care because you're too busy perving on him while you thank him. Three-Face's husband/boyfriend, but you just know Jokester/Riddler/Three-Face is happening behind the scenes.

    -Duela Dent: Three-Face and Jokester's daughter, conceived back when they were doing a Juno reenactment were young and stupid. Evelyn disappeared at this point, so Jokester only learns of Duela's existence when she's already a teen and Jokester is rescued from Owlman by the Riddler Family. Not only has she been raised by costumed crime-fighters to be a costumed crime-fighter since before she was old enough to get a driving licence, she also shifts across dimensions, which has given her a maddening identity crisis and landed her in the funny farm more than once when she crossed to "our" 'verse.

    Together, these four six fight crime! I bet you feel safer already.

    The Villains

    -Owlman (evil!Batman): see icon. The boss of all crime bosses in Earth-3!Gotham. If you were ever amused by the fact that Christian Bale has played both Batman and Patrick Bateman, this chap is for you, except Patrick Bateman would probably think he's over the top. Think Batman without his One Rule and his emo whining and having come out of the sadism closet. Not only does he eviscerate people for kicks and giggles, this guy is so hardcore he uses the streets of Earth-3!Gotham as his personal ATM and not only does the citizenry not utter a peep, they'd probably be forming a line if he told them "suck my dick". Has a mutual obsession with Jokester that's so twisted and violent it makes the Batman/Joker dynamic in the regular 'verse look like something out of Jane Austen.

    Read more... )

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