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Friday, May 15th, 2009

    Time Event
    Team Knight - Round 9 - Yellow spots, chapter 8 [fanfiction]

    Original poster: thanks_to_god

    Title: Yellow spots
    Pairing: Batman(Bruce)/Joker
    Rating: PG-13 (this chapter)
    Words: ~4000
    Warnings: slash, violence, sexual content
    Disclaimer: don't own anything
    Summary: Something happens with the Joker, something that may change his life forever
    Beta: elizabeth_elf

    Hey hey! I'm here again with a new chapter, thanks to my wonderful Liz! =D
    And here's some art to the chapter, too.

    Yellow spots, chapter 8 )The picture to chapter8 )

    Current Mood: bouncy
    Current Music: radiohead
    Manip - Freak Love

    Original poster: elvis_a

    Bruce loves Joker. It's work safe.

    Freak Love

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