It's a Band... inna BOX! - August 22nd, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
bandbox extravaganza

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August 22nd, 2007

If music be the food of love, play on. [Aug. 22nd, 2007|05:16 pm]


[music |Lonely Holiday - Old 97's]

Femme, you have single handedly increased my music listening something like 1875% since March. Not only did you get me hooked on 2 bands, but you actually caused me to start listening to music again. Normally, I go months without voluntarily choosing something to listen to. Now? Not so much. (So not so much.)

I actually have an emusic subscription now, because I have this obsessive need to hunt down every last track when I get really caught up in a band. Um, I'm really obsessive about certain kinds of things (this probably doesn't come as a surprise).

So, I've got 5 tracks left to download this month, and I don't know what to get. I prefer to dl whole albums in an oeuvre at a time so I don't have to figure out what I didn't get later. I think this has something to do with my obsessive collecting. It's probably an illness, especially considering how much yarn I've got through the same urge.

Anyway, I'm offering you these five tracks. Anything you like from emusic. :) (This is perhaps not the way emusic intends its service to be used, but since I wouldn't have got a subscription without you, I think they'd understand.)

P.S. - I changed my wallpaper to sweaty!Rhett, pic#47 from the cd I gave you. ;) Which one did you pick?
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Fic: "Exit the Dragon" - for Femme, with love [Aug. 22nd, 2007|08:29 pm]


Title: Exit the Dragon
Pairings: None
Warnings: None - set at the end of Half-Blood Prince
Comments: Thanks muchly to [info]thejennabides for her fabulous and detailed beta.
Dedication: For [info]femmequixotic, who has done so much for the fandom and the fen (even more so in recent months). Femme - you mentioned Draco and Snape as your particular loves, so I tried to write to that. You're amazing, and I'm glad I met you.

You will remember that you are a pureblood, a Malfoy and a Slytherin, and you will spare me the whinging of someone who ought to have been Sorted into Hufflepuff, or I will kill you myself, here and now, to save Slytherin the shame. )
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