It's a Band... inna BOX! - August 18th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
bandbox extravaganza

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August 18th, 2007

Short, Fast and Loud [Aug. 18th, 2007|01:52 am]


[Current Location |bed]
[mood | amused]
[music |Sugar, We're Goin' Down (acoustic) - FOB]

Title: Short, Fast and Loud (or Being an HP - Fall Out Boy Pseudo-meta Crossover Involving in Order of Appearance Messrs Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Joseph Trohman, Andrew Hurley, Patrick Stump, and Peter Wentz)

Warnings for (mostly implied) obscenity and rampant silliness. Lightly drawn hints of SS/DM/HP as well as suggestion of more than friendship within FOB.

Written for [info]femmequixotic

2,382 words )

One comment about FOB peeling grapes and a crackfic is born. I hope this gives you a giggle, Femme.
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Open card for everyone to love on Femme! [Aug. 18th, 2007|09:31 am]


Thank You Femme!

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We tossed Rhett Miller in the band box too. He's writing a song just for you. :-D Cause you're just all-around awesome and deserve it!
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Simpsons Avatar Maker says... [Aug. 18th, 2007|08:45 pm]
Just some general silliness. )
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