balambsays - November 6th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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November 6th, 2012

[Nov. 6th, 2012|07:15 pm]


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[info]starbuck: lololol
[info]starbuck: wulf and amarant are like such opposites
[info]starbuck: need a buddy knight movie
[info]fjords: -- AHAHAHAHA
[info]fjords: OMG
[info]fjords: "lethal WEAPON"
beowulf the crotchety older knight on the verge of retirement
amarant as the scruffy, unstable lady's man
terrorists summon emerald WEAPON to attack alexandria
[info]starbuck: A;SLDKJASDLKJoijas;lkdjas;dlfkjsdf;sdafksdf
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[Nov. 6th, 2012|09:40 pm]


So I was driving around to do errands and a song comes on the radio and all I can think of is Reis & Wulf. Thank you ~cadets for hijacking my life.
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