The Bail Organa Clearing House's Journal
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Tuesday, April 25th, 2006

    Time Event
    More of Bail's staff
    An update on the databank gives us a new member of Bail's extended staff: Corla Metonae.

    "What's the story," gives SW fans a chance to add to the EU mythos by posting drawings or photos of hardly seen incidental characters and allowing you to send in a databank entry. The winner is added to the databank and becomes "canon."

    Corla is niece to Captain Raymus Antilles and is part of the staff of the Tantive IV. She also is given credit for being involved in the Another Chance project -- A plan spearheaded by Bail Organa to disarm Alderaan and send its remaining weapons randomly jumping through hyperspace until recalled to the planet by the Council of Elders. (FYI, for those that aren't EU fanatics, the info about Another Chance was originally created by Bill Slavicse for West End Games in the 1991 "Graveyard of Alderaan," but was referenced for the books Before the Storm by Michael Kube-McDowell and Mike Stackpole's X-Wing: The Bacta War.)

    Here's her official photo from the databank entry. If you've seen some of the concept drawings of Alderaan outfits you'll note this is one of them come to life: Read more... )

    Read more details about Corla (and her relationship to Bail and his projects) in her new databank entry here:

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