April 3rd, 2011

[info]nichasit in [info]azurebeach

Saturday - July 1st, 2011

Who: Nic and Kohl
When: Night
Where: A bar
What: The truth comes out

Now that the adrenaline was wearing off she started to cry, barely getting out the words... 'I shot your father.' )
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[info]jaylovesit in [info]azurebeach

Tuesday June 28, 2011

who: jay and ali
when: night
where: ali's place
what: a date
Are you gonna call me a tease if all I wanna do tonight is lay here like this with you? )
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[info]danieldoesit in [info]azurebeach

Wednesday - June 29th, 2011

who: daniel and harlow
when: morning
where: restaurant then his yacht
what: daniel does as he is told
rated: nsfw

Sleep. And then you can touch it as much as you'd like, Princess. )
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