OOC for Axis City

July 19th, 2009

July 19th, 2009

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Hey! I apologize for my absence lately, but RL and my mum have been kicking my butt. (Not literally for either, of course XD) With some health issues in the way, my home life has been under some serious revamping and I've had to categorize some priorities, so needless to say, I've been trying to keep my head above water this past week. I reaallly -really- don't want to drop Audrey so I'll try really hard to get my act together by tomorrow!


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Hi guys!

Sorry I haven't been around too much, I've jsut started my second job and last Wednesday was also my graduation from University, so I've been rather rushed! However I'll be online more next week and for the rest of summer, and really want to pick up again. So any plot ideas involving my boys, throw them this way!


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