Axial Tilt

March 16th, 2008

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A multi-fandom, PG fanfiction archive


March 16th, 2008

For elaby!

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Title of fic: Balance
Author name: Starrika
Fandom: Sailor Moon
Pairing (if applicable): Usagi/Mamoru
Rating: PG
Warnings (if any): None.
Summary: Usagi and Serenity are two parts to a whole. Mamoru can't love one without the other.
Balance )

For [info]dorrie6, Even when you're gone, Hikago gen, PG

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Title: Even when you're gone
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Characters: Shindou Mitsuko, Touya Akira
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The characters and universe presented in this story belong to Yumi Hotta and Takeshi Obata
Notes: Written with love and anxiety for [info]dorrie6, who deserves epics, which this isn't. Title from this translation (accuracy unknown *g*) of Bump of Chicken's "Supernova". Beta by G.

1400 words/9Kb )
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