May 8th, 2019



It's Kei. I decided I needed three characters and also it feels like we needed more girls.

Everyone knows Storm right? She's from the comics. She controls weather. She likes to garden and does good bitch face. She was an Avenger for a hot minute until Avengers vs X-Men which is also when she got dumped by T'Challa even though she kind of changed sides halfway through (and then went back to the X-Men afterwards anyway). She's just come back from visiting Kenya where she grew up and fighting a god with her Asgardian hammer Stormcaster that Loki had made for her this one time when he was trying to marry her, which is kind of a theme in her life. Everyone wants to marry her, mostly for villain reasons. She's relatively up to date timeline wise but I have no idea of the wider plot arcs anymore so she's just been doing her thing.

So not that long ago Gamora went nuts and killed Thanos by sticking the power stone in a sword and then she got all the other Infinity Stones off the people who were trying to protect them. Loki deliberately gave her the idea of folding reality on itself and merging everyone together so there'd be half the number without actually killing a bunch of people, then Loki promptly jumped into the reality that created in the soul gem and separated out the people he needed, because comics. In the end they actually kept both worlds so now the Warp World lives inside the soul gem and a few of the people in it, namely the Defenders*, are aware of this and the whole two souls thing. Laura's from right after this when she's recently turned 18 and joined the Defenders. Her codename is Weapon Hex and she's a mix of X-23 and Scarlet Witch, which means she's like Wolverine with chaos magic, except she only knows how to use it for melting faces. She was supposed to be the vessel for the demon Mephicthton so she doesn't really have, like, life experience.

* For reference the Defenders are:
• Weapon Hex (Laura Kinney)
• Soldier Supreme (Stephen Rogers)
• Iron Hammer (Stark Odinson)
• Arachknight (Peter Parker, except he has four personalities)