March 10th, 2019



Hihi. Misha again, with two more already. Sam Winchester | Supernatural | canon point end of S12 because I'm a little behind (spoilers don't phase me though), and Harry Dresden from the Dresden Files book series join Diego in my headspace.

Sammy is one of my oldest still-active and strongest muses ever, and Harry's been kicking around my headspace for a while too. I went to a con ten years ago this week, actually, just to meet his writer who is super cool to hang out with. I'm using Tom Mison as Harry's PB and we can just pretend he's tall enough to pull it off.

Diego, Harry, and Sammy are available for all the plot and playtimes. I will probably get Sammy and Harry intro'd this evening.



Hai Guys.

Alex back with her third character, Lily Potter who is coming from Halloween 1981, right after James has died cause angst is my middle name (its not but it might as well be).

She's gonna freak out a lot when she gets here so sorry?