Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy's Journal
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Below are 20 journal entries, after skipping by the 100 most recent ones recorded in Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy's InsaneJournal:

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    Friday, November 16th, 2007
    12:56 pm
    An Idea Hit Me
    I had an idea and I ran it past [info]jamie2109. We both agreed it was not bad but we do need to see if there will be participation.

    Starting Monday 10 Dec and ending Monday 24 Dec, we thought of having Two Weeks of Quickies.

    This would consist of us posting a Christmas themed prompt a day and you (and us) writing a ficlet/drabble (hence the 'quickie') for that prompt.
    You don't have to use the same characters/pairing for each drabble nor even the same fandom but we do ask that these stay as close to under 500 words as possible - and hopefully meet 100 at least.

    If you express interest you don't have to post a drabble a day, so don't panic if you can't. It's way too hot here to start imposing rules and getting annoyed.

    Current Mood: hot
    Current Music: ads on MMM
    Monday, November 12th, 2007
    9:40 am
    Morning all,

    Wow, what a response to my little challenge to the non-H/D writers out there. Thank you all so much! I've decided I will be keeping a tally, seeing as H/D has dominated this comm for the more then three years it's been running. Each week, I'll update the tally just so we can all see how utterly amazing H/D writers are. heh. (Although I am currently with 'everyone else' in writing AS/S but you won't hold that against me, right?...Guys?)

    And secondly...look who tops this week's list of fics??? The reclusive (*snicker*) [info]nocturnali!!! Dragged her out of hibernation with Regulus and Rabastan with [info]andrea_88 and back into the world of AWDT. Make sure you go leave her some welcome back loving!!


    Harry/Draco: 7 (Yes, this includes the threesome fic as H/D are in a relationship.)
    Everyone Else: 7


    [info] nocturnali wrote Just Like His Rabastan/Bellatrix
    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 9. Albus Severus/Scorpius
    [info] anathema91 wrote You have no idea, do you? Neville/Draco... sort of
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Romancing the Lion Draco/Harry
    [info] alaana-fair wrote Three Seekers in a Bed and the Blonde One Said... Harry/Draco/Viktor
    [info] andrea_88 wrote Unspoken Words Regulus/Rabastan
    [info] enchanted-jae wrote By Chance Harry/Draco
    [info] lee-drabbles wrote Him, too? Remus and Sirius
    [info] erikdesoir wrote In Which Harry Puts a Computer Together and Draco Finds Porn Harry/Draco
    [info] andrea_88 wrote Phases Year 2 Chapter 29 Sirius/Remus
    [info] erikdesoir wrote In Which Harry Has a Party and Everyone Gets Surprised Harry/Neville
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Love Made of Flesh and Soul Draco/Harry
    [info] ceria wrote Pitch Perfect Kingsley Shacklebolt / Gideon Prewett
    [info] sesheta-66 wrote Thought You Should Know Harry/Draco


    From [info]nocturnali

    "Why won't you listen to me?"

    With bonus points (like the point system on Who's Line is it anyway? - they mean nothing.) for...

    "Let's go out for burgers."

    Have some good fun with that lot, and remember it's H/D versus everyone else!!

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Friday, November 9th, 2007
    3:12 am
    *coughs* Okay, so, uh, I wrote two. They're both very general, terribly unoriginal, extraoradinarily lame, and well I'm sure you're catching on. But I wrote them and I'm feel even dumber if I didn't go ahead and post them. 
    Qvestion - I haven't been tagging anything: should I be? und with what?
    Author: [info]erikdesoir</lj>
    Title: In Which Harry Puts a Computer Together and Draco Finds Porn
    Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, blah blah blah
    Warnings: None, it's that stupid
    Notes: written for [info]awdt</lj>'s prompt of "You have no idea, do you?"

    Author: Erik deSoir
    Title: In Which Harry Has a Party and Everyone Gets Surprised
    Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended, yadda yadda
    Notes: written for the same reason

    Current Mood: cynical
    Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
    3:03 am
    By Chance
    Title: By Chance
    Author: [info]enchanted_jae
    Pairing: H/D
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None
    Word count: 500
    Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
    Author's note: Written for [info]jaxinny's birthday, with the request of moonlight, and I also used the current [info]awdt prompt of You have no idea, do you?
    Summary: Harry follows Draco into the moonlight.

    By Chance
    Tuesday, November 6th, 2007
    5:05 am
    Title: Pitch Perfect
    Character Pairing: Kingsley Shacklebolt / Gideon Prewett
    Prompt: Written for hp rarepair_shorts on Lj (Let the tempest howl), hp_prompts (time) and AWDT ("You have no idea, do you?").
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: 820
    Author's Notes: Thank you, [info]lee_west, for the quick beta.

    Read more... )
    Monday, November 5th, 2007
    8:17 am
    Morning all,

    Very quick dashing in and out today. I have an exam later on and am starving hungry - but that could be nerves as I'm positive I know absolutely nothing - bah, I just want the whole thing over and done with.

    I just want to make one observation. Harry/Draco rule!!! Apart from my New Gen fic all the fics for this weeks prompt are Harry/Draco. I want to set a challenge - see if you writers (not you normal H/D writers - new ones) can write enough other pairings to outnumber H/D. They seem to dominate each week and with Ali being a slack arse and not writing sadly not doing her bit for the comm finding time to write for the [info]awdt, then we have no real competition, do we? *smiles sweetly at everyone, smug in victory.*


    [info] alaana-fair wrote Rules Are Meant to be Broken – Part 2 (Harry/Draco)
    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 8 (Albus Severus/Scorpius)
    [info] enchanted-jae wrote Porridge and Baked Beans on Toast (Harry/Draco; Lucius/Narcissa)
    [info] kcstories wrote The Morning After (Harry/Draco)
    [info] original-lie wrote Of Beans (Harry/Draco)


    One of mine this week:

    "You have no idea do you?"

    Have some fun!

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Friday, November 2nd, 2007
    2:36 am
    Porridge and Baked Beans on Toast
    Title: Porridge and Baked Beans on Toast
    Author: [info]enchanted_jae
    Characters: Harry/Draco; Lucius/Narcissa
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): Snark
    Word count: 505
    Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
    Author's note: Written for the current [info]awdt prompt, in which the story must contain baked beans on toast. This is also for Challenge #5 at LiveJournal's harrylovesdraco, which is "Oh my God! The look on your face was priceless!"
    Summary: Lucius and Narcissa are coming to dinner; Draco is a nervous wreck, and Harry is cracking jokes.

    Porridge and Baked Beans on Toast
    Monday, October 29th, 2007
    7:13 am
    Morning all,

    Very short on the talk this morning, as I am heading off to an exam in a couple of hours.
    Big huge hello to [info]erikdesoir who I think becomes just about the first person to post a fic at [info]awdt, and I think first time with us, too, so *waves* hi and welcome.


    [info] sesheta-66 wrote Never a Dull Moment Harry/Draco (pre-slash), Ron
    [info] grey-hunter wrote A Difficult Choice H/D implied, Neville/Hannah implied, Ron/Hermione implied
    [info] enchanted-jae wrote A Birthday Kiss H/D
    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 7 Albus Severus/Scorpius
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Possessions Confessions Salazar/Godric
    [info] erikdesoir wrote The Birthday Closet Harry/Draco


    Yes, I went back to Ali for the prompt - maybe not such a good idea, because she came up with...

    The story must have baked beans on toast in it.

    Apparently she remembers the baked bean smut I wrote with [info]son_of_darkness a long time ago. I was kind of hoping for a Halloween themed thing, but...oh well...

    Anyway...have fun with it kiddos, I'm thinking food fight in the Great Hall...maybe...

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Sunday, October 21st, 2007
    8:19 pm

    Title:  The Birthday Closet
    Author:  </a></strong></a>[info]erikdesoir
    Fandom/Pairings:  HP; H/D
    Warnings:  None
    Summary:  Draco is curious and Harry surprises him
    Notes:  written for the </a></strong></a>[info]prompt coming out/coming clean story

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Monday, October 22nd, 2007
    7:43 am
    Morning all,

    My how the years have flown!!! The AWDT is three years old this week. When Ali and I first came up with this idea, we thought that we might get a few people, friends mostly, to join in occasionally, for a while and then it would fizzle out and that would be the end of it. But, three years later and here we are. We've seen hundreds of writers try their hand at the prompts, we've had thousands of entries, sparked numerous chaptered fics and launched several fandom authors. We've laughed and cried and stared in slackjawed shock at times and at others been absolutely floored by the sheer talent of people.

    Since we moved to our own community here, the amount of entries we have has dropped, which is sad; we'd really love some more people to join in - different fandoms, etc would be wonderful. We don't plan on stopping any time soon, so pull up a keyboard, open up a word doc and get writing.

    Oh, and Happy Birthday to us! To all of us! And thank you to everyone who ever posted a fic, helped someone beta their fic, offered suggestions or reviewed a fic specifically written for the awdt. It's all appreciated muchly.

    Ali and I are really proud of the awdt, and we hope that you continue to enjoy yourselves.

    On that note, welcome to [info] nksplls who joins us this week!! *waves* Make sure you all go read her gorgeous Malfoy piece and encourage some more!


    [info] enchanted_jae wrote Quite a Catch H/D
    [info] nksplls wrote Fairy Tales Malfoys
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Love is not a Matter of Counting the Years Draco/Harry Salazar/Godric Ron/Hermione , Moaning Myrtle
    [info] sesheta-66 wrote Crazy People (Part 2) H/D


    In light of both DD being gay and it being our birthday, your story should be a coming out/coming clean story. Any sort of coming out - doesn't have to be coming out of the closet, could be admitting/confessing to something. Like a crush perhaps, or stealing the last muffin. Haha. And bonus points if you work in the coming out/coming clean on a birthday!

    Have fun!!

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Monday, October 15th, 2007
    7:57 am
    Morning all,

    Not much to say today really, apart from I am studying for exams (blech) and attempting to write too much and it just can't all be fitted into the time I have available to me. But that's boring and of no interest to anyone, hehe, so on with the post...


    [info] sugareey wrote What Is Left Unsaid Harry/Draco
    [info] chaeldub wrote Waiting To Happen Neville, Seamus.
    [info] alaana-fair wrote Rules Are Meant to Be Broken Harry/Draco
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Loves Second Chance Salazar/Godric Draco/Harry Ron/Hermione
    [info] sesheta-66 wrote Out-Slytherined Harry/Draco
    [info] enchanted-jae wrote The Object Of My Affection Draco, Pansy, Greg, and Harry, Hermione, Ron (D/H pre-slash)
    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 6. Albus Severus/Scorpius


    "Everyone knows that stories are imaginary."

    Have fun with it.

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Friday, October 12th, 2007
    4:45 pm
    The Object Of My Affection
    Title: The Object Of My Affection
    Author: [info]enchanted_jae
    Characters: Draco, Pansy, Greg, and Harry, Hermione, Ron (D/H pre-slash)
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): Silly fluff and Slytherin schemes
    Word count: 790
    Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
    Author's note: Written for the current [info]awdt prompt, which is How hard can it be?. I also used Prompt #30 at hd_fluff, which was to have a movie title as the title of the story.
    Summary: Draco plans to approach the Object of his Affection, but it will require some assistance from his friends.

    The Object Of My Affection
    Tuesday, October 9th, 2007
    8:43 am
    Morning all,

    Did you like the ghost prompt from last week? I did. I actually planned to write something different than how mine turned out, but that's ok, I'm just letting the boys dictate how they want their friendship to develop at the moment. There's some lovely fics this week, so go have a read and leave the authors some love, yeah?


    [info] nocturnali and [info] andrea_88 wrote A Ghostly Intervention. Two Ghosts
    [info] chaeldub wrote Banshee Seamus/Dean
    [info] alaana_fair wrote Just the Two of Us Harry/Draco
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote True Love never Dies Salazar/Godric Draco/Harry
    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 5. Albus Severus/Scorpius
    [info] enchanted_jae wrote The Legend of the Shrieking Shack Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Blaise/Pansy, Dean/Seamus
    [info] grey_hunter wrote Ghost Story Harry/Draco


    "How hard can it be?"

    Hmm, that's nice and suggestive for a wide variety of things. So, go, write and enjoy!

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Monday, October 1st, 2007
    7:59 am
    Morning all,

    Well, lovely to see some terrific fics for last weeks picture prompt. I like adding a picture prompt occasionally, it adds a little variety. Hopefully you'll all enjoy this week's prompt as well.


    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 4. (Albus/Scorpius)
    [info] alaana-fair wrote Amor quod fatum es unus (Harry/Draco)
    [info] lire_casander wrote About Time (Ron/Hermione)
    [info] enchanted_jae wrote Something Special for Dessert (Harry/Draco)
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Promised You Forever and I’m Amazed (Harry/Draco)
    [info] lire_casander wrote Promise of Forever Isaac Hanson
    [info] calico-jynx wrote Adventures in Potion Making (Harry/Draco) (from last week)


    Because I forgot to ask Ali for a prompt last night, this week's prompt is brought to you from [info]son_of_darkness

    Fics this week must either be a ghost story, or use the words "Ghost Story" in the body of the story or the title.

    Go, have some spooky fun with it.


    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Monday, September 24th, 2007
    7:51 am
    Morning all,

    First up, I want to say a big thank you to all of you who sent me birthday wishes for Friday. I loved them all. Thank you so much!!! *smooshes*

    Next, I want to say yay!! I have manged to decipher the coding that allows the little LJ man to show up on the IJ posts and vise versa. I is sooooo intelligent! bahahahaha

    I think we have seven fics this week, which is terrific. I just want to nudge all the IJ and GJ members of the comm to have a go at this week's prompt. Just a hundred word drabble is enough, and it's fun!


    [info] sesheta-66 wrote Words Swiftly Spoken Harry/Draco
    [info] chaeldub wrote Drowning Within My Sea Seamus with Dean/Luna and Neville
    [info] enchanted_jae wrote See What Develops Harry/Draco
    [info] lire_casander wrote No More Music Isaac Hanson, Taylor Hanson, Zac Hanson
    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 3. Albus Severus/Scorpius
    [info] alaana-fair wrote You Look Dashing in Pink Harry/Draco
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Entertaining a Death Eater Harry/Lucius/Voldemort


    [info]nocturnali decided that we need a dual prompt this week. And on top of that a picture prompt as well!! So, you can choose either of these lovely images and there are bonus points for using both. Apparently, she says, virtual bonus points can be redeemed as virtual sexual favours from the mods. um...

    Anyway, have some fun with it

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Monday, September 17th, 2007
    8:54 am
    Morning all,

    Some lovely hot fic and art this week. Hmmm some days you're just in the mood for some smut, right? Yum yum yum, especially with two hot boys to make it deliciously sexy. *cough*



    [info]alaana_fair,[info]melmoe1and [info]sesheta_66 wrote and drew The Next Generation of Quidditch Hotness: Part 3 of 3 – It's a Sign Harry/Draco, Ron
    [info]harrysexmagick wrote Like Father, Like Son AS/S, Next Generation, H/D mentioned
    [info]jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you...? Part 2 Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy
    [info]enchanted_jae wrote Breaking Point H/D (This fic is flocked to the LJ AWDT comm. So you’ll have to join it to read.)
    [info]harrysexmagick wrote Green means GO


    "I'm not here for your entertainment."

    Oh, I hate to tell you boys, but yes you are!!!

    Heh, go write some smut with that lot for me, will ya?

    Have fun while you're at it.

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali

    *cross posted to the mirror awdt comms on LJ and GJ.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    Monday, September 10th, 2007
    7:17 am
    Morning all,

    Alright, obviously I am never allowed near prompt choosing ever again, lol. I choose a prompt and people go on holiday, lol. Nah, it's all good... But we have two prompts this week. [info]nocturnali decided to add a 'fun' bonus points prompt as well. Mind you the bonus points really don't mean anything I don't think. heh.


    [info]chaeldub wrote A Lie for the Blind and Deaf Dean/Seamus (Harry Potter)
    [info]harrysexmagick wrote Truth or Consequences Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)
    [info]siriusmoonlite wrote Hope Comes to Stay Molly, Arthur, Percy, three spirits. (Harry Potter)
    [info]enchanted_jae wrote Saved by the Doorbell Draco, Pansy, Harry (Harry Potter)
    [info]jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you...? Part 1 Albus Severus/Scorpius (Harry Potter)
    [info]sesheta_66, [info]alaana_fair and [info]melmoe1 wrote The Next Generation of Quidditch Hotness: Part 2 of 3 – Locker Room Heroics Harry/Draco, Ron (Harry Potter)


    There's two of 'em.

    The offical prompt from [info]harrysexmagick

    "I see you shiver with anticipation."

    And Ali's bonus points prompt...

    "Why is it green?"

    Have fun with it! :)

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Saturday, September 8th, 2007
    9:27 am
    AWDT fic...Did you think I would leave you...? AS/S, Rated G (for now)
    Title: Did you think I would leave you...?
    Author: [info]jamie2109
    Pairing: AS/S - pre slash for now.
    Rating: G (for now)
    Word Count: 890
    Summary: Albus and Scorpius meet on the train to Hogwarts.
    Disclaimer:I do not own these characters, I'm just playing.
    A/N: Written for the [info]awdt where the prompt is "The boy thinks for a moment, trying to decide between truth and kindness." (Page 163 of Paul Auster's "The New York Trilogy"). This will be a weekly series giving us glimpses into the lives and eventually loves of Albus and Scorpius. They'll be short excerpts from their lives, less than 1000 words (I hope). Hopefully, you'll enjoy them. This section is unbeta'ed right now as I ran out of time. Please point out any glaring errors if you see them - [info]nocturnali will be having conniptions at my comma abuse, I just know it. lol. Oh, and the title comes from a song, I have no idea what it's actually called - Two Little Boys, I think - and the line I used actually goes "Did you think I would leave you dying, when there's room on my horse for two." (Because you just know that I will be having lots of angst and mushy stuff eventually, and the boys will have to endure a lot to be together as friends first then lovers.)

    Enjoy - and if you do, please take the time to comment and let me know. ♥

    Part 1.
    Monday, September 3rd, 2007
    11:19 am
    Hi all, *beams*

    It's really exciting this week to see a few people from IJ joining in and posting over there. Welcome, welcome. (I am really technically limited and have no idea how to make the insanejournal's little man appear on the user name thing instead of the LJ one on the LJ post and the LJ ones appear on the IJ ones. Confused? Me too. But if anyone knows how to do that, can they let me know, I'd be extremely grateful. We'll be able to keep track of things better then. Thanks.)


    [info]ladybelz wrote Blind Love. Draco + Harry (Harry Potter) (Revisited)
    [info]madeyemax wrote Neither Are You. George/Percy/Fred (Harry Potter)
    [info]sesheta_66 wrote What If Harry, Ron, Hermione. (H/D pre-slash). (Harry Potter)
    [info]enervatexxx wrote No One Can Know. H/D (Harry Potter)
    [info]harrysexmagick wrote As it was in The Beginning, so shall it be in The End. H/D (Harry Potter)
    [info]siriusmoonlite wrote It Came From the Wizarding World. Oliver/George (HP with a bow to QAF (Queer as Folk))
    [info]enchanted_jae wrote The Icing on the Cupcake. H/D (Harry Potter)
    [info]sesheta_66 wrote Draco Malfoy - Getting Ahead. Harry/Draco (Harry Potter)
    [info]alaana_fair, [info]melmoe1 and [info]sesheta_66 wrote and drew The Next Generation Of Quidditch Hotness: Part 1 - The Article. Harry, Draco, Ron. (H/D pre-slash).


    Taken from page 163 of Paul Auster's "The New York Trilogy".

    "The boy thinks for a moment, trying to decide between truth and kindness."

    You can of course switch "The boy" to whatever you like, or change the tense if you like.

    Have fun with it.

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    Monday, August 27th, 2007
    12:42 pm
    *Old Fic* Blind Love
    Originally posted March 26, flagship entry for [info]awdt

    Title: Blind Love
    Author: Lady B
    Pairing: Draco + Harry, who else?
    Rating: PG-13 for the fluff, R for the language and implied sex.
    Summary: After a string of bad dates, Blaise sets Draco up with an anonymous friend. Draco, of course, is not thrilled about blind dating...until he meets his date.
    Author's Note: This takes place about 5 years after the gang leaves school. Blaise and Draco have taken up residence in the USA, sharing an apartment in the wizarding section New York City. Harry comes for a visit. This is for the weekly AWDT from [info]jamie2109 (my first try at one of these) with the prompt of “He's very quiet and enjoys puzzles.” I think I went way beyond the 500-word limit lol.
    Disclaimer: If I had half the imagination JKR does, I don't think I'd be writing this. She owns, I don't. Deal with it. -grin-

    Onward to the cheesey-fluff piece!
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