Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy's Journal
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Monday, January 21st, 2008

    Time Event
    Morning all,

    To start off the week, a brisk set of vocal exercises in honour of TEAM!FANON. Courtesy of the brilliant [info]mohoganyhandle

    Superpowerful!Harry banters with Mentor!Snape
    UST and reSortings and sizzling corridor scrapes
    Veela!Draco and his snowy white wings
    These are a few of our favorite things
    When I'm writing*
    And it strikes me
    That my pen's run dry
    I simply remember my favorite things,
    Squee, and have another try!
    (for artists--painting/drawing/etc.)

    Harry, Draco, butter-beer, turn this hetty canon queer!

    Dear sweet Harry, turn him dark!
    Rentboy!Draco, steal our hearts!
    Here we do it all our way!
    So what, canon? Watch us play!

    We're team fanon;
    We're a hoot!
    Our Harry's emo,
    And our Draco's cute!

    Oh, we're team fanon;
    You'll love our cants!
    Harry's now a Slytherin;
    And Draco's wearing leather pants!

    On team fanon, Draco's blind;
    But that's okay—that's okay;
    Harry's shagging his behind!

    Hermione is a know-it-all
    And Pansy is a fag hag
    So when they put their heads together—
    You know our boys are gonna shag!

    hehe aren't they great???

    OK, enough shameless pimping! On with the week's thingies.


    Harry/Draco: 41
    Everyone Else: 36


    [info] alaana-fair wrote Prove It H/D
    [info] sesheta-66 wrote Overheard - part 1 of Family Secrets Harry/Draco (past), Albus Severus Potter, Lily Potter
    [info] enchanted-jae wrote The Biggest in Slytherin H/D
    [info] jamie2109 wrote Did you think I would leave you…? Part 14. AS/S
    [info] hanson-phreek wrote Elevator? AS/S


    "There's an ounce of truth in every rumour."

    Have fun kiddies.

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali

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