Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy's Journal
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Monday, October 22nd, 2007

    Time Event
    Morning all,

    My how the years have flown!!! The AWDT is three years old this week. When Ali and I first came up with this idea, we thought that we might get a few people, friends mostly, to join in occasionally, for a while and then it would fizzle out and that would be the end of it. But, three years later and here we are. We've seen hundreds of writers try their hand at the prompts, we've had thousands of entries, sparked numerous chaptered fics and launched several fandom authors. We've laughed and cried and stared in slackjawed shock at times and at others been absolutely floored by the sheer talent of people.

    Since we moved to our own community here, the amount of entries we have has dropped, which is sad; we'd really love some more people to join in - different fandoms, etc would be wonderful. We don't plan on stopping any time soon, so pull up a keyboard, open up a word doc and get writing.

    Oh, and Happy Birthday to us! To all of us! And thank you to everyone who ever posted a fic, helped someone beta their fic, offered suggestions or reviewed a fic specifically written for the awdt. It's all appreciated muchly.

    Ali and I are really proud of the awdt, and we hope that you continue to enjoy yourselves.

    On that note, welcome to [info] nksplls who joins us this week!! *waves* Make sure you all go read her gorgeous Malfoy piece and encourage some more!


    [info] enchanted_jae wrote Quite a Catch H/D
    [info] nksplls wrote Fairy Tales Malfoys
    [info] harrysexmagick wrote Love is not a Matter of Counting the Years Draco/Harry Salazar/Godric Ron/Hermione , Moaning Myrtle
    [info] sesheta-66 wrote Crazy People (Part 2) H/D


    In light of both DD being gay and it being our birthday, your story should be a coming out/coming clean story. Any sort of coming out - doesn't have to be coming out of the closet, could be admitting/confessing to something. Like a crush perhaps, or stealing the last muffin. Haha. And bonus points if you work in the coming out/coming clean on a birthday!

    Have fun!!

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali

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