Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy's Journal
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Saturday, September 8th, 2007

    Time Event
    AWDT fic...Did you think I would leave you...? AS/S, Rated G (for now)
    Title: Did you think I would leave you...?
    Author: [info]jamie2109
    Pairing: AS/S - pre slash for now.
    Rating: G (for now)
    Word Count: 890
    Summary: Albus and Scorpius meet on the train to Hogwarts.
    Disclaimer:I do not own these characters, I'm just playing.
    A/N: Written for the [info]awdt where the prompt is "The boy thinks for a moment, trying to decide between truth and kindness." (Page 163 of Paul Auster's "The New York Trilogy"). This will be a weekly series giving us glimpses into the lives and eventually loves of Albus and Scorpius. They'll be short excerpts from their lives, less than 1000 words (I hope). Hopefully, you'll enjoy them. This section is unbeta'ed right now as I ran out of time. Please point out any glaring errors if you see them - [info]nocturnali will be having conniptions at my comma abuse, I just know it. lol. Oh, and the title comes from a song, I have no idea what it's actually called - Two Little Boys, I think - and the line I used actually goes "Did you think I would leave you dying, when there's room on my horse for two." (Because you just know that I will be having lots of angst and mushy stuff eventually, and the boys will have to endure a lot to be together as friends first then lovers.)

    Enjoy - and if you do, please take the time to comment and let me know. ♥

    Part 1.

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