Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy's Journal
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Monday, August 27th, 2007

    Time Event
    Hi all,

    Well, late again, I think I deserve the sack for that, haha. Lovely to see some great stories this week and some variety. I wish I had the time at present to be writing something for the AWDT. Stupidly, (only kidding) I signed up for the mpreg fest *hides* I NEVER write mpreg, it's a squick for me!!!! Actually, I can cope with children being biologically theirs as long as I don't have to write how or why or anything about the pregnancy or giving birth or anything like that haha. And I have a prompt that is going to be the death of me for [info]harry_holidays yep, I said death because I am sooo worried about it I even found a fucking grey hair the other day - truefax! *nods* I screamed and pulled it out, I did.

    Anyway...on to this week's post...


    [info]tacitus wrote If Only Orig fic
    [info]gestaltrose wrote Looking out for Sam Sam/Dean kind of. (Supernatural)
    [info]siriusmoonlite wrote The Edge of Sleep Liam. (HP universe. OC)
    [info]sesheta66 wrote No Muggle Toys Allowed Harry/Draco (HP)
    [info]enchanted_jae wrote One Taste Harry/Draco (HP)
    [info]alaana_fair wrote A Wizard and his Wand Harry/Draco implied (HP)
    [info]sesheta66 wrote A Wrong Turn at the Right Time Harry/Draco, Draco/OC (HP)
    [info]harrysexmagick wrote What If’s Harry (HP)


    One from me this week...

    "You are just not my type."

    Go, enjoy, have fun and keep writing.

    [info]jamie2109 and [info]nocturnali
    *Old Fic* Blind Love
    Originally posted March 26, flagship entry for [info]awdt

    Title: Blind Love
    Author: Lady B
    Pairing: Draco + Harry, who else?
    Rating: PG-13 for the fluff, R for the language and implied sex.
    Summary: After a string of bad dates, Blaise sets Draco up with an anonymous friend. Draco, of course, is not thrilled about blind dating...until he meets his date.
    Author's Note: This takes place about 5 years after the gang leaves school. Blaise and Draco have taken up residence in the USA, sharing an apartment in the wizarding section New York City. Harry comes for a visit. This is for the weekly AWDT from [info]jamie2109 (my first try at one of these) with the prompt of “He's very quiet and enjoys puzzles.” I think I went way beyond the 500-word limit lol.
    Disclaimer: If I had half the imagination JKR does, I don't think I'd be writing this. She owns, I don't. Deal with it. -grin-

    Onward to the cheesey-fluff piece!

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