Amazing Weekly Drabble Thingy's Journal
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Monday, August 20th, 2007

    Time Event
    Hi all,

    First up let me welcome the insane friends at Insanejournal's version of the AWDT. The three journals will have the same weekly post and prompt each week, hence the bolding of user names rather than the normal way. You can use any of the three journals, here, GJ or IJ to post your fic at, or a link to your fic on your journal and I will amalgamate them all into one post.

    Secondly, this week was very quiet, but with all the hooha happening on LJ it's understandable. Plus, I had a great fic bunny but that prompt was way too limiting. Hopefully this week's prompt will be much more...inspiring for you all.


    dm_p wrote Ends Meet Harry/Draco
    enchanted_jae wrote Lovebirds (Animal arc, part 26/26) H/D, Maeve
    harrysexmagick wrote The Bedsit Heart Harry/Draco


    from son_of_darkness

    "What if...

    There you go, lots of room for interpretation and places for your imagination to go.

    Have fun and hopefully we'll see many of you put some fingers to the keyboard and writing.

    jamie2109 and nocturnali

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