Avengers Next: A PSL Next Gen Avengers Game's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Avengers Next: A PSL Next Gen Avengers Game

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[03 Oct 2013|02:59am]
Who: Billy, Katsurou, Torunn, Jake, Lillian
What: Meeting! Time to sit down and talk about our feelings getting stuck in the past.
Where: Stark Tower
Rating: Low to start with, may get higher later

Odin’s beard this is taking too long )
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[03 Oct 2013|10:17pm]
Who: Clint and Natasha
What: So...we have a kid...sort of
Where: At the Tower
When: After this: Hi daddy!

There's good news (sort of) and bad news (definitely) )
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[ viewing | October 3rd, 2013 ]
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