November 3rd, 2021



Public Post: Thor

The Harvest Feast will take place in a little under two weeks' time. I am very much looking forward to the Feast on Asgardia. I imagine it will be quite different from the feasts that we used to have on Asgard.

I hope that our friends at Stark Tower are planning on coming to Asgardia to attend the Feast.



Public Post: Kate Bishop

Can you believe that they've started piping Christmas music into the stores?

It was only just... a couple days ago that we were battling Halloween demons in Los Angeles, and now there's Christmas Music??

Here's hoping that things stay calm until Christmas.



Public Post: Sharon Carter

Day 93

There's been too much sugar over the past week. Halloween candy has been flowing freely. I think I'm going to need a sugar detox.

It's a shame that it's a New Years Resolution instead of a New November Resolution. Though, I suppose I don't need a Holiday Resolution in order to make a... resolution. Not sure how long I'll make it with no sugar.