> Hiiiiiii! > Can you try not to get your legs broken? > Because that nice lady is about one sec away from unhinged. > And I think the world's a better place if Blitzen keeps his cool.
Look I don't really give a shit about this whole time thing. I'm not interested in being in your little band of superfriends.
But someone's got to come and get this chick from my door. The one with the huge tits. She won't stop knocking, saying it's her job or something. I don't give a fuck. Someone come get her before I make her go.
I appear to find myself in need of assistance. I have just arrived here and I am too far away from the hotel to get there without someone seeing me. Could someone possibly help? And if anyone has seen Clint Barton could you please tell him I am here and I am safe and would like him to contact me as soon as he can.