Just an update on "Mission learn about Terran culture"
Swayze is still better than the Bachelor. Sorry Darcy, I tried.
I have met Earth's greatest hero, and his name is Skywalker.
Modern art makes me feel like stabbing something with my sword. Next time I get the bright idea to go to a museum, we can visit the Collector.
Crepes are the best invention on this planet. Change my mind.
Sam, you were right about communicating. But I was not prepared for how difficult it is.
So you distracted me yesterday, and I never asked. Are you going to tell me about this job you're working on with Stakar?
Do you know what exactly sisters are supposed to do? Like do we talk about feelings? All we've ever done is fight and hate dear old Dad. So I guess we actually did a lot of talking about feelings.
Dr. Palmer
How much do you know about alien physiology? I need some medical advice and feel like it might not be in my best interests to steal the spaceship to see an intergalactic physician.