I know that is a Midgardian custom, so yes, of course. If you'd like to, that would be lovely. We both enjoy the tarts that pop from toasters, for what it is worth?
My, you are well read. They are actually from the the Faltine Dimension, but Dormammu is a rogue Faltine. A being borne of pure magic and energy. There's several such lesser beings roaming after being formed into being, particularly in the Dark Dimension. Every so often, one slips through the veil into this reality. It's possible that some bumbling sorcerer called it forth. Summoning specific elementals and making a novice mistake, for example.
The entity will do much the same as the Reality Stone did when it infiltrated Jane Foster. It will attempt to protect itself and its host. Even your demonologists or exorcists...is that what they are called? They seem to have quite the time removing infestations.
I have some ability to breeze through minds and suggest things to those who are susceptible to such suggestion. Perhaps if I tricked it, it might be left unaware, and then you could work with him to rid yourself of it.
It would need be sent back from whence it came, afterward.