The handle moved, and the door opened. As it did, Friday did a bio-scan to use as a key for entry or to auto lock the apartment.
Also outside the elevator but still close by it, Tony leaned to one side to make sure everything went off without a hitch.
He was glad he hadn't unloaded all of it on Sharon. She just got there, she was limping, and it was a lot to deal with already. He didn't want to elaborate, to tell her it wasn't just the people that disappeared that left a mark. Sometimes, it was those still there that forgot that made it worse. It happened twice with Pepper. Once years ago, and the most recent time with the divorce. She simply reset back to this universe's self, only not realizing it was an alternate universe or what they went through before. And the more he tried to overcompensate and prepare for what he knew was happening, the more it alienated her because she didn't know.
She wouldn't believe him, even if he explained it.
Standing there, he convinced himself he had this handled. Back upstairs to the penthouse, where endless lines of code and a few drinks awaited in the hopes he'd get a couple hours of sleep. Wake up. Caffeinate. Half listen to Darcy and Bruce trying to reason with him. Quip his way out of it before heading down to SHIELD's floor....
Rinse. Repeat. Ad infinitum. He was getting good at it.
"Hey, you got this," Tony said, giving them both a pep talk and a thumbs up in return. "It'll be ok. Gimme a shout if you need anything."
Friday opened the elevator and he waved before stepping back inside. Back upstairs. Back to work.