July 3rd, 2020




Who: Bucky & Nebula
What: Midnight Summer Swing, an outdoor dance party
When: Imma say like, July 2nd?
Where: Damrosch Park, Lincoln Center
Warnings: A Steamy Kiss™
Status: Complete

They had both experienced so much violence and been responsible for so many deaths under the influence of powerful people. Maybe it was possible to experience some joy instead. )




Who: Wanda & Nebula (and Billy & Tommy).
What: Tea!
When: After things have settled down a bit following the attack on Plum Island.
Where: Wanda’s Quarters in the Avengers Tower.
Warnings: Knowing how to extend your pinky finger when you sip your tea. :)
Status: Complete

There was a saying that went something like this: ‘It was always tea time somewhere in the world.’ )




Who: Ned and Dr. Strange
What: Ned arrives in a new universe
When: before Ned's private post

I just went through a portal! So cool! )