May 11th, 2019




Who: Vision & Wanda
What: A walk along the Brooklyn Bridge at night, ice cream, and Vision helps Wanda finish the baby blanket for Morgan (much helpful for sure)
When: After this happened
Where: Out and about
Rating: Green
Status: Complete

Why do they have ice cream named after the Avengers? )




Who: Tony, Vision
What: catching up and meeting Morgan
When: early May
Rating: Green

How are you and Pepper doing with the baby? )




Who: Spider-man, Loki
What: an art heist is foiled!
When: first half of May
Rating: Green

Your stabbiness and magic was definitely not part of the plan. )




Who: Carol and Tony
What: beer and pizza on the Penthouse observation deck
When: first half of May
Rating: Green

Feel free to ask away, I’m an open book. )




Who: Sif, Dr. Strange, Loki
What: Sif arrives and is shown to the Asgardian warehouse, where she learns the fate of Asgard and most of its people.
When: Friday
Rating: Green

Welcome to a new universe. )