March 13th, 2018




Who: Howard and Tony Stark
What: drinks, anxiety attacks, and tech talk. Set after Howard's post.
When: backdated to Sunday night.
Rating/Warning: Greenish.

How weird is this going to get? Do I call you dad or Howard? )




Who: Trish and Tony
What: The Trish Talk interview. And the symbolic end of the Avengers.
When: backdated, Monday
Rating/Warnings: Green

Mr. Tony Stark, welcome to Trish Talk, and thank you so much for being here. )




Who: Thor, Loki
What: Healing and finance.
When: backdated to Saturday/Sunday night-ish, after Valkyrie's visit.
Rating/Warning: Green

I knew you would return to put it to rights. )




Who:Tony Stark, Howard Stark, and Pepper Potts
What: A business meeting?
When: Monday
Rating: green

You boys go and play... )