January 14th, 2018




Who: Loki
What: Arrival in NYC
When: Recently, days ago
Rating/Warnings: Green. Spoiler Alert for Thor: Ragnarok.

Do you really think it’s a good idea to go back to Earth? )




Who: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange
What: Weird feelings and a weirder intrusion.
When: Recently, days ago
Rating/Warnings: Green.

...we have a previously undetected visitor. )




Who: Stephen Strange, npc!Wong
What: Magical location spells.
When: Recently, days ago.
Rating/Warnings: Green.

Are my eyes bleeding? )




Who: Darcy Lewis, Tony Stark
What: Darcy gets a new job.
When: Recently.
Rating/Warnings: Green.

I mean I know weird. I get what’s been going on. )




Who: Darcy Lewis, Dr. Strange
What: Meeting the other 'boss' at the New York Sanctum.
When: Recently, days ago.
Rating/Warnings: Green

If this was going to be some kind of weird sex dungeon, she was totally out. )




Who: Thor, Stephen Strange
What: Thor seeks out Dr. Strange for answers.
When: Recently.
Rating/Warnings:: Green, spoilers for Thor: Ragnarok

I don't think those dire plans for destiny went in a direction you expected. )